- Five -

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I wake up because something is moving. Wait. Moving? "Earthquake!" I say loudly as I open my eyes in pure panic. Then I hear someone laughing softly. I realize I'm in Karlie's arms and that she is carrying me up the stairs. "You're adorable." She giggles, holding me tightly.

I smile at her and say: "So romantic, you carrying me up the stairs."

She laughs loudly and says: "Don't make me laugh, otherwise ill let you fall."

"What time is it?" I ask her, still smiling.

"Almost 11pm." She replies. "Im gonna go home and you're gonna sleep miss Swift." She adds as she puts me down on the floor when we reach the last step.

"You're gonna go? Now?" I say. Please don't. She simply nods.

"But then I'm alone again." I say, pouting my lips.

"Ill be here tomorrow remember?" She says, smiling at my attempt to keep her here.

"Please stay?" I ask, still pouting, aware of the fact that I seem pretty desperate right now.

"Josh is probably wondering where I am Tay, and I cant miss my work out tomorrow morning anyway." She says, a sad expression on her face. I lean against the wall while she is still standing on the staircase.

"Josh?" I ask. "Is he still.. are you guys still.. I thought you broke up."

"We did." Karlie quickly says. "He just doesn't have a new place just yet and needs a place to stay. And since my place is officially his, were forced to still live together." Karlie's eyes look sad.

"That sounds horrible." I say, not really knowing what else to say to her.

"Its okay. I mean for now. He is working a lot anyway so we barely see each other. Mostly only in the evenings. I actually hope he is already sleeping when I come home." Karlie tries to laugh but I can see she feels bad and unhappy about this whole situation.

"Are you guys still.. like.. sleeping in the same room?" I ask. God I'm way too curious.

"No, he is sleeping in the guest room. Luckily." She says, looking up at me.

"Hey Karls, you can always stay here if you want to. Okay?" I say, trying to make her feel a bit more comfortable.

"I know. I just think its better to go home tonight, okay?" She asks, smiling at me.

"Okay." I say, smiling back at her. "See you tomorrow then." I lean forward from the wall and kiss her cheek softly. When I lean back again, Karlie is smiling widely at me, her cheeks red.

"See you tomorrow." She says as she turns around and walks down the stairs.

Fuck. Why did I just do that? Taylor thinks. Not knowing that the younger girl is practically screaming from happiness on the inside.


Karlie's POV:

She kissed my cheek. Taylor kissed my cheek. Oh my god. My fucking cheek.

Im walking out of the front door of her perfect apartment. God I wish I could be here with her every single day. I leave the building and walk over to my car, a big smile plastered on my face for probably the rest of the night.

I kissed her cheek last time. But I mean she probably doesn't even remember that, we were both so drunk. But now. Now we were perfectly sober. And she kissed my cheek.

I drive down to my house, which is only a 15 minute drive. When I arrive at my place I'm slightly disappointed when I see the lights are still burning in the living room. He is still awake.

Inspire me -A Kaylor Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now