- Two -

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"Mer, what the hell!?" I shout as I feel her tiny but sharp nails playing with my feet for about the fifth time this morning. My voice sounds tired and raspy. The cat runs away out of the room after I sit up in bed angrily and look at her with a bitter stare. I move the curtains to the side, to see the sun shining. The light is suddenly very bright and now I see what a mess my room is. Theres clothes everywhere. On the ground, on my bed, even on the door handle. "Cleaning day today." I mumble as I walk into the hallway and down the stairs of my apartment.

Meredith is meowing around me as I walk into the kitchen. "Breakfast time, you spoiled little princess." I say as I open up the 'cat food' drawer and scoop a bit of food in her bowl. I pet the white furry creature before putting the bowl down on the floor. Its not before I look at the clock before I realize that Im actually already horribly late for my lunch with Karlie. "Fuck!" I say a bit too loud, causing the cat to look up at me in fear.

How can you forget a date with Karlie Kloss, Swift? Wait date? No, lunch.

Its already 12.30pm and I'm standing in my kitchen in my pajama shorts. "Fuck." I say again, this time its more a mumble. "Cleaning tomorrow. Today is a Karlie day." The first smile of the day appears on my face when saying her name. God, Swift. Get a grip.

I know its not okay. Its not okay to write a song about a girl you barely know and then to be really happy to see her the next day. But its certainly happening. God, that song. She can never know about that. She can never know about anything I feel for her. Well what I think I feel for her. Taylor stop. Its a freaking girl! Im making myself crazy.

I walk upstairs again and decide to skip breakfast since lunch is in 30 minutes anyway. Could I fall for a girl? Ive never really thought of that. My mind wont stop thinking about anything Karlie.

Ive been standing in front of my closet for about five minutes when finally getting some shorts and a grey shirt out of the big messy thing. "Casual." I say as I look in the mirror at my outfit. "Casual is good."

I walk over to the bathroom and put on my 'natural' make up look. "Red lip or no red lip?" The question I ask myself every single morning. "No red lip." I say as I brush my teeth and brush my hair at the same time. Its a talent, I know.

I walk out of the bathroom and into the bedroom again when finished worrying about my make up. I notice my phone is buzzing and when I walk over to my bedside table to see which name lights up the screen, my heart flutters. "Karlie." I whisper softly as I take the call.

"Hello?" I say when hearing nothing.

"Oh Hi Taylor. Im in front of your house. Are you ready to go?" The voice on the other end of the line asks. My heart feels like exploding when hearing her voice.

"Yeah, uhhm, Im just gonna grab my bag and then Ill be downstairs." I say, trying to keep my voice calm. How does she even know where I live? Oh yeah she gave me a lift home back in December. I run down the stairs, get into some grey heals and grab my black purse. "Wish me luck Mer." I say when I see the little fur-ball sitting in the kitchen. I take one last look into the mirror before walking out my front door. Swift, you better act normal.

When walking out of the apartment building I see Karlie standing in front of a small red car. She is wearing a grey dress and looks rather beautiful. Stunning.

"Well hello." She says as she steps forward to hug me, a big smile on her face. She smells like lavender and vanilla at the same time. Its the best combination I've ever smelled on a person. And yes, I smell a lot of people.

Inspire me -A Kaylor Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now