- Eight -

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Taylor's POV:

"Tay? Shouldn't you head to bed?" I hear her ask in the distance. I open my eyes and realize I'm laying on her lap now, half asleep. The tv is still on and law and order is still playing, the sixth episode of the night I think. It might be more since Ive been half asleep since episode number two.

"Taylor?" I hear her say again, I can hear that she is smiling.

"Hmm?" I mumble. Then I can feel her lift me off the couch and open my eyes for a second. "Karlie, what are you doing?" I ask, my voice soft and sleepy.

"Im getting you into bed, Swiftie. Its 11am and its bedtime for you." She says, I look up at her and see the big smile on her face.

"Im not a kid." I say crumply, which causes her to giggle. I love her giggles.

"You so are." She says. I squeeze her arm as hard as I can to make my statement but its not working since she just starts laughing harder. "And you're such a strong kid." She adds sarcastically. We reached the first floor now and she walks me over to my bedroom. Well she thinks she does because actually she is walking us into my music room. She opens the door and puts me down on the floor.

"Huh, Tay how many rooms does this house have? What is this?" She says, which makes me laugh. I turn the light in the room on and suddenly were standing in a room full of awards, instruments, cd's, microphones, etc.

"Wow." Karlie says, her eyes wide. "Sometimes I forget that you are.. you know, Taylor Swift." She mumbles, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. I playfully push her to the side and say: "Oh please. Im just me." I sit down on a big brown chair standing in a corner of the room and look up at her. She is now looking around the room and looking at platinum records and the awards I won. "Youre Taylor Swift." She says again, looking at me with a surprised look on her face.

"Yes and you are Karlie Kloss." I say, still smiling at her.

"Taylor this is so cool. And weird. I mean you like me but you're Taylor Swift." She says, still looking confused and surprised.

Please don't run away from me. Im just me.

"Im just me Karlie. The fact that I am successful in the music industry doesn't change my personality. And please stop saying my last name." I still try to smile at her but fear crept onto my face and she must have seen it too because she sits down beside me on another chair.

"Sorry. Im just.. overwhelmed I guess." She says, her green eyes looking into my blue ones finally. "Its just that.." She continues. "I like you a lot, like so much. But you're Taylor Swift and that means everything we do and will do in the future probably has to be a secret. The media and well the whole world is going to go crazy if they get to know that we are like.. uhhm.. ehmm.."

"Dating?" I say, looking into her eyes, tears in mine now. Its all going to happen again, she is gonna leave me.

"I guess." She says, looking down at her hands now.

"You don't have to date me. I mean if you don't want to. Its probably kinda hard to date Taylor Swift." I say, finding it really weird to say my own name like that. But I guess she is right, Taylor Swift is a company, a label, a fanbase, everything. Everything I do will be in the news, forever.

"But I want to." She says, looking up to me again. I can see some tears forming into her eyes too now. I feel her starting to stroke my hand but I get up and walk over to the wall with all my awards and prices. I am Taylor Swift. Famous world star Taylor Swift. I cant date a girl. What was I thinking?

I hear Karlie getting up from the chair too now. I turn around towards her and see a tear rolling from her cheek. I bring my hand over to her face and gently wipe it away with my thumb. I feel tears rolling from my cheeks too now and wipe them away angrily before she can. Then i feel her arms tighten up around me and she starts hugging me very tightly. Sobs coming out of her mouth, her body starts to shake, she is officially crying.

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