- Eleven -

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Taylor's POV:



Ugh thats annoying.

"Miss Swift?"

I open my eyes and see an unfamiliar male face in front of me. Huh?

"What ha.." I start but the man interrupts me.

"Miss, you fell and hit your head on the table. We brought you into the hospital and closed the wound on your head. You're allowed to go home whenever you feel like it from now on. Please don't do any weird things for about a week okay?

That was.. way to much information for a person who just woke up.

I nod and try to give the man a smile but he turns around and walks out of the room.


Gosh, why is everything so blurry.

Oh my god. Is it my head?!

Theres something wrong!

Oh I'm just not wearing my glasses, or contacts.

I see a tall figure walking towards me from the corner of the room.

"Hello?" I say. The blurry person is moving closer. "Is that you Karls?"

"Hi Tay." I hear her familiar voice say when she is close enough for me to recognize her. She takes my hand and kisses it. I let out a long breath that I didnt even know I was holding.

"Oh my god Taylor. Please don't ever do that again? I thought I had killed you." She says, a weak smile on her face.

"Oh my god. I fell off the couch didn't I?" I ask, a big grin on my face.

"Yeah you did and you scared the hell out of me." She says, smiling at me now.

"Im glad you're here." I say to her.

"Im really glad you're awake." She says, kissing my hand again.

"Looks like our runaway isn't gonna work huh?" I ask, smiling at her.

"We could always do that later. You heard what the doc said tho, rest first missy." She says, touching my nose with her finger and smiling at me.

"Here.." She hands something over to me. "Your glasses, then you can actually see me you know." She says jokingly as I put them on.

"Wow." I say, looking at her. So beautiful.

"Thats better." I say. "Loads better." Karlie smiles at me and I cant help but smile back.

"Ready to get home?" She asks, her bright smile already making my day.

"Yes." I say and I try to sit up. I fail though as a sharp pain goes trough my head.. "Oh god." I mumble as I feel myself falling backwards onto the bed again.

"Let me help you with that." She says, putting her arms around me and helping me to sit on the edge of the bed. "Thanks." I say through the sharp pain shooting through my head.

"Think you're gonna feel that for a couple of days." Karlie says, smiling at me.

"Well I have a certain Karlie to help me." I say, smiling back at her as good as I can.

"I sure will. Here I got you clothes. Well a dress, since you're kind of obsessed with those." Karlie says. "Which I really don't mind." She adds with a smirk.

I playfully stick my tongue out to her and ask her to help me dress. After a while a nurse comes into the room and escorts me and Karlie out of the hospital. Karlie's car is in front of the entrance of the hospital, I can see it standing there from the inside. Theres a huge crowd of people, including a lot of paparazzi standing in our way though and I feel Karlie grab my hand.

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