- Twelve -

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Taylor's POV:

Two weeks later



"Where are my running shoes?"

I giggle. Oh this messy dork..

"Next to the couch in the livingroom." I say loud enough for her to hear it downstairs.

"Thanks." I hear her say softly and then a minute later: "Ill be back in 20!" And the door slams shut.

These past two weeks have been incredibly busy for both of us. Karlie has had a lot of shoots for big companies and I had loads and loads of meetings for my new album. Yes my new album, we even decided on a title for it now. Well I did. Its called 1989 and its all going really well.

I walk into my bathroom and decide to take a quick shower, but before that I look in the mirror. The cut on the side of my head is almost completely healed and doesn't really hurt anymore. Karlie woke me up every two hours for like three nights straight after the whole thing, so well I guess I'm all healthy and safe. I undress, get into the shower and turn the water on. I always like to let the cold water stream all over me before it turns to a warm and pleasant temperature. It refreshes me.

After about ten minutes I get out of the shower again, dry myself and walk into the bedroom with the towel covering my body. The bed is still all messy and I see that Karlie just tossed her whole pajama outfit back on the bed. She is literally the messiest person I know. But god do I love her. The last two weeks have been amazing. We were busy yes, but we saw each other almost every day. Most of the times at my place and a couple of times at hers, after Josh moved out. Ive fallen so hard for this girl, who would've ever imagined that.

I walk over to the closet after realizing I had been daydreaming for a while now and start searching for a simple outfit. Karlie and I both have nothing planned for today and so I'm hoping to spend a lot of time together.

Suddenly two hands are covering my eyes and I scream out loud in panic. Then I hear a familiar laugh and relax a bit.

"Karlie!" I shout. "That is so not funny. I almost died."

"You should've seen yourself." She laughs.

"Uhm, I couldn't since two hands were covering my face?!" I say, trying to sound annoyed, but failing as always.

"You're cute." She says, moving her hands down to my sides now, hugging me from behind.

"Yeah yeah. Trying to be all sweet now huh?" I say, causing her to smile widely.

"Im always sweet." She says, kissing my neck softly. I lean back into her embrace and say: "Sometimes."

She giggles. "So whats the plan for today?" She looks at me in the big mirror in front of us.

"Well." I start. "Were both free today so I figured we could have some alone time together." I say, smiling at her in the mirror.

"Oehh Swiftie, what does that mean?" She asks cheekily while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Weve been dating for more than two weeks now and you're still a pervert, Kloss." I say drily.

"Who wouldn't be if they were me in this case?" She answers, moving her hands alongside my body while smiling that gorgeous wide smile.

"And you're cheesy." I add, smiling back at her and turning around to face her now. She looks so beautiful in her sporting clothes. I lean forward only a bit and our lips are already touching. God, her kisses make all the butterflies in my belly explode.

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