Chapter 1: Fired

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Chapter 1


  (Main Character; Skye: 18 years old, 5'3, long blonde hair with bangs, bright hazel eyes.

Side Character; Kyle: 21 years old, 5'9, short natural red hair, blue eyes.

Side Character; Hunter: 19 years old, 5'8, short black hair, dark brown eyes.)

Skye's POV;

  Finally, I get to leave the hospital. I was supposed to work last night, but I missed my shift. I called my boss and told him that I was in the hospital, but he still didn't like the fact that I wasn't going to show up for work. He hung up on me. He didn't care that my boyfriend Hunter had hit me again, and I needed to make sure he didn't give me a concussion. I know I need to leave him, but I don't have anywhere to go. It's not like I can just kick him out of our townhouse, because his name is on the lease and mine isn't. His name is on the lease yet I'm the one paying everything. I know, sounds fucked, and it is. I need to escape, I just don't know how.

  I turned the corner and walked into my favorite coffee shop. I bought my usual coffee and sat at my table. It's obviously not my table, I'm just the only one who sits here. I like it because it's in the corner away from everyone else. 

(Author's Note: The picture above is the coffee shop)

  I took a sip of my coffee and sighed.

**Bzz Bzz**

  I took my phone out of my back pocket and saw that my boss was calling me. It's six in the morning, why is he calling me? "Hello?" I answered the phone nervously. "I told you. You couldn't miss a single shift while working for me! And yet you did!" He screamed through the phone. Tears started to dwell in my eyes. I don't like confrontation very much, so I cry. I also cry when I'm pissed. And I don't have anyone to go to, so I cry in silence.

  "I-i'm sorry, I was in the hospital all night. I c-called and told you what was going on, but y-you hung up on me-"

  "You're fired! And no paycheck for you!" He screamed and hung up the phone. Great, now I'm jobless. I started to silently cry. What the fuck am I going to do now? That job was absolutely terrible, but it paid the bills. I can't rely on Hunter, he doesn't have a job nor does he want one. I tried to tell him once before to get a job, but that didn't go so well. Asshole broke my hand that day. I rested my head in my hands in defeat.

  "Hey," A male voice greeted me. I looked up confused. A man who looked to be around 5'9 and in his early twenties, was now standing at my table. I quickly noticed his natural red hair and blue eyes. "I'm sorry, but I overheard your phone call. It sounds like you've just been fired?" He said, trying to confirm what he thinks he heard. Wow, looks like my now former boss was screaming louder than I thought. I stared at the man confused. "Yeah, I just got fired. I'm sorry you had to hear that," I apologized. "Oh no, you don't need to apologize for anything. My boss is actually looking to hire someone. Have you worked in an office before?" He asked.

  "N-no I haven't, but I'm a- fast learner," I said quickly. "Great! Just fill out this application and I'll give it to my boss today," He said, pulling out an application from his briefcase. Who has applications at the ready like this? Normally you'd have to go online or go to the job in person to get an application. "Thank you so much," I said, filling out the paper. "No problem. You'll get a call from me to set up an interview with my boss. Who knows, maybe you and I will get to work together and become friends," He said, winking at me. I showed a kind smile as I handed him the paper. "My name is Kyle by the way," He finally introduced himself. "I'm Skye," I replied.

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