Chapter 4: Personal Assistant

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Chapter 4

Personal Assistant 

Skye's POV;

At the office building,

  Miss Reed parks the car and I turn to hop out. I felt her hand stop me by tugging on my upper arm. "Don't touch the door," she said as she hopped out, walked around to my door and opened it. She really doesn't need to open the door for me. It makes me feel kinda..weird. "Thank you," was all I could say as I hopped down from her jeep. I'm surprised that I didn't wince from pain. Looking away from her, my eyes caught Kyle's. It seems like he didn't know that she had hired me.

  "Good morning Miss Reed and Skye-"

  "You will address her as Miss Goenett. She is now your boss and my personal assistant," Miss Reed spat. I'm her personal assistant?! How can I be her personal assistant when I know nothing about the damn company? "What would you like from the coffee shop? I know you haven't eaten anything this morning," Miss Reed turned to me. "Oh I'm okay-" her look stopped me from finishing that sentence. Something told me that she wasn't going to take 'no' as an answer. Just like the days before. "Just a regular coffee and an egg sandwich," I said defeated. I saw Kyle writing down my order out of the corner of my eye. "From now on you'll be grabbing her food and drink as well as mine in the morning. Go," she dismissed Kyle.

  Then we parted ways with Kyle. We walked into the building and he left for the coffee shop. "You don't need to do all of that," I said, trying to keep up with Miss Reed. "Do what?" she asked, unfazed. "The car door and having Kyle get me a coffee and food from the coffee shop,"

  "I will when it comes to you," she said as if she was stating a fact. Why? I'm not that special. Her words formed a swarm of butterflies in my stomach. This was a whole new feeling to me. Normally the only 'butterflies' I get are caused by Hunter. And those aren't the good butterflies you want to have. Maybe she is just treating me this way because I'm her personal assistant. That's the only reason I can think of.

  "Your desk is in my office," Miss Reed said as we stepped onto the elevator. Wait, wouldn't my desk be with everyone else's? And not in her office so that she has her own space? I thought that's how it's supposed to be, isn't it? And I'm not going to get a break from her? I don't mean that in a bad way, she just makes it hard to breathe. Like she sucks the air out of my lungs without even trying. Is there something wrong with me? Why do I feel this way for a woman I just met and barely know?


  "Do you have a car? I haven't seen you get in one at the gym," Miss Reed asked. She's been watching me? "Um, no I don't," I replied. "Then I will bring you home and pick you up everyday,"

  "You really don't need to do that, I'm fine with walking-"

  "I wasn't asking," Miss Reed said coldly. Her tone sent shivers down my spine. She really doesn't like taking 'no' for an answer. I realized that I was standing a little close to her, so I backed myself up into the corner of the elevator, not wanting to invade her personal space. Although I don't think she minded me being that close. She didn't say anything about it, or maybe she just didn't notice how close I was standing behind her.

  I saw Miss Reed watching me out of the corner of her eye when I backed up. So maybe she did know how close I was. I looked down at my feet. I tend to do this a lot. Finally we reached the top floor and I followed her off the elevator, making sure to give her space. I watch Miss Reed unlock the office door with a code. I didn't even realize that there was that type of lock on the door the last time I was here. Walking into the office behind Miss Reed, I noticed a desk to the right of me.

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