chapter 7: Rest

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Chapter 7


Skye's POV;

  "She'll need to rest for about a week and put ice on those bruises, then she should be good to go-"

  "'Should be'?" Miss Reed cut the doctor off. "Yes. It's hard to tell how bad some of her bruises really are. But nothing is broken, so that's good," The doctor said, standing up. "Maid?!" Miss Reed called out. "Yes ma'am?" The same girl I saw earlier came around the corner. "Is her room ready?" Miss Reed asked. I saw the doctor give Miss Reed a confused look. And I could tell that Miss Reed was avoiding her. Why? "Yes ma'am it is," the girl replied quickly.

  "Good. I will walk you out, and I will be back and some ice for you, okay?"

  "Okay," I said quietly. What am I going to do for a week? The doctor followed Miss Reed to the door. "You have her staying here?! You know how stupid that is-"

  "I said to mind your fucking business! You did your job, now leave," Miss Reed shoved the doctor out the door. Then she went out of my sight. Is me being here stupid? I mean, I know a broke person like me, probably shouldn't be here, but damn. No need to be rude about it. "Miss?" The maid got my attention. "Yes?"

  "Miss Reed told me to show you to your room. Follow me please,"

  "Okay," I said as I followed her through the big house. "My name is Skye, what's yours?" I asked. "Oh um, you can just call me 'maid'. No one calls me by name,"

  "I would rather call you by your name, not just 'maid'. You have a name for a reason,"

  "Um, my name is Angel," Angel smiled. "This is your room here, I have to go now, but please make yourself comfortable. I'm sure Miss Reed will come see you very soon,"

  "Okay, Thank you,"

  "You're welcome," She said as she left. Once she left, I turned around to get a good look at what is now my room. "Holy shit!," I said to myself, surprised. The room is about 2 times the size as my living room was in the old place. The now burnt place. What is the need for all this space? I walked over to the king size bed. "How am I going to sleep in there? I'll probably just get lost in there," I joked to myself. I walked over to the other side of the room where there is a walk-in closet and a master bath.

  "I'll explore more later, right now I'm really sore," I said out loud as I managed to climb into the middle of the bed. It's so comfy, I just sink right in. I laid down and closed my eyes, ready to pass out. I don't remember the last time I laid on a bed instead of the floor or couch. I heard the door open, but I had no energy to see who it was. Next thing I know, I felt the bed move slightly and a nice coldness on my stomach. Then there was a type of warmth, and my body reacted before I could stop it. I pushed my body into the unfamiliar warmth and passed out. 

Some time later,

  The warmth I fell asleep with is still here. It hasn't gone anywhere. As I wake up more, I can feel someone's chest rising and falling with each breath. I can hear their heartbeat quicken every time I move. Then I notice that the person is running their fingers through my hair. Wait a minute, who's neck do I have my head buried in?! I open my eyes and look up at...Miss Reed? "Shit! I'm so sorry," I said, jumping up and trying to put some space between us. Which I instantly regretted due to my bruises. "Ouch," I mumbled to myself.

  "I need you to be more careful with yourself," Miss Reed sighed slightly aggravated. "Sorry," I said almost in a whisper. "Come here," she said, motioning me to sit next to her. With a little bit of hesitation, I moved to sit next to her. "Can I look?" she asked, pointing at my stomach. "Sure," I replied, lifting my shirt for her. As soon as I do, she gently touches my bruises. My heart started pounding, her touch is so soft and gentle.

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