Chapter 6: New Home?

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Chapter 6

New Home?

Skye's POV;

  Miss Reed just held me until I was calm enough to speak. "I need to know who did this to you," She said, pulling back to look me in the eyes. "This time, it was Hunter's friends,"

  "Who is Hunter? And what do you mean by 'this time'?"

  "Hunter is my boyfriend...unfortunately. He beats me all the time, and when he's not around, his friends take a turn beating on me," I explain. "Why haven't you left him?" she asked, slightly annoyed. Is she getting annoyed at me for this? "I don't have anywhere else to go. And are you..getting mad at me? About this?" I asked nervously, tears dwelling in my eyes again. "No no no, I'm definitely not getting mad at you princess. I'm pissed at the fact that some man thinks he can treat you like this. I'll kill him-if I could," She reassured me. She almost seemed a little serious about that last part.

  "Well, you have my permission to put him six feet under," I joked. "You should be careful about what you give me permission to do," she said in a serious, and maybe even a little desperate tone. Is she serious about hurting Hunter? I mean, I don't mind him being in pain. That's all he caused me, pain. "Was he the one blowing up your phone?" She asked. "Um..yeah. And speaking of having nowhere to go, I don't even have a home anymore," I started to cry again.

  She went to pull me into her again but I pulled away, and grabbed my phone from my desk. "What do you mean you don't have a home-"

  "Just look at this, please," I interrupted her. I opened up the messages and handed her my phone. She fell silent as she stared at my phone screen. The silence left me uncomfortable, so I looked down at my feet, waiting for her to say something. "I-i had an escape plan, but he found out what I w-was doing and got mad. S-so he decided to do..that," I whispered. I looked back up at her.

  She had the look of sadness and anger. A terrible combination for a woman. "Here is what is going to happen, and no, you don't have much of a say in this," She started, as she put my phone in her back pocket. "I'm taking you home and I'm going to get you taken care of. I'll have someone take a look at your bruises, while I have my maids set up the guest bedroom for you,"

  "What? No, you don't have to-"

  "I said, you don't have much of a say in this," Miss Reed said sternly. Damn that's kind of hot. "Whether you like it or not," she stepped closer to me, grabbing my chin to look up at her. "I'm going to take care of you," She said, eyes filled with an emotion I can't describe. My face is now red and hot as all hell. The things this woman is making me feel right now. I'm not sure what I feel exactly. "Now I'll grab your bag for you. We'll be taking the rest of the day off," She said in a softer tone. "Okay,"

**Knock knock**

  "Miss Goenett? It's time for our lunch break," Kyle said as he opened the door. He immediately had the look of concern and confusion on his face when he looked at Miss Reed and I. "Sorry, I won't be joining you for lunch today,"

  "Why?" He asked, confused. "Because she'll be with me, taking the rest of the day off," Miss Reed said, as she collected my things and stood beside me. "But Miss Reed, what about all of your meetings today?"

  "Cancel them,"

  "But the meeting with Miss Campbell is really important," Kyle insisted. "Do not make me repeat myself," Miss Reed said through gritted teeth. "Y-yes ma'am, sorry. I will cancel all meetings right now, have a good rest of your day," Kyle said, as he quickly made his exit. She can be a little scary, I guess. Miss Reed put her free hand on my lower back, "Ready to go princess?" she asked. Why does she keep calling me that? And why haven't I stopped her from doing so? Just kidding, obviously I know why.

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