Chapter 13: Safe

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Chapter 13



!! Very graphic content !!

!! Torture !!

Skye's POV:

  The food was good. I thought I'd eat a lot because I haven't been awake to eat for three months. But I wasn't actually that hungry. "Do you want to go to bed now? It's getting late,"

  "No, you have some explaining to do,"

  "We can't have this conversation later?"

  "I don't want to wait any longer than I already have. We have so much to talk about and I want to start checking off the boxes of things we need to talk about,"

  "Fair enough, but um, I don't know where to start," she admitted, sitting down next to me on the bed. "How about we start by you, following me to the basement," I said standing up. There was a hint of hesitation on her face, but nonetheless, she grabbed my hand and followed me out the room.

The basement,

  I opened the basement door and walked straight to the desk, where I found the truth. The picture of me in the hospital wasn't on the desk anymore. But I found it in one of the drawers. "Explain this picture here," I said, pulling it out of the drawer and showing her. She took a deep breath before taking the picture from my hand. "This was the first time I saw you hurt. By that point I was watching you for two weeks -but I swear I wasn't trying to stalk you and be creepy. Truthfully, I saw you walking to the gym one morning and since then I just couldn't keep my eyes off you,"

  "Okay, how did you find out that I was in the hospital though. If you didn't know about Hunter yet?" I questioned, taking a seat in the computer chair. "So, I never followed you home. I knew that if I did, I would never leave you alone, and I really wasn't trying to be a creep. I-i didn't -and still don't want to make you uncomfortable," she stuttered. Funny, normally I'm the one stuttering.

  "But that night I just had an awful feeling that something was going to happen, so I followed you home. And then unfortunately I was right. After he did what he did to you, I wanted nothing but to run up to you and take you away from all of that bullshit right then and there. But I couldn't because I knew it would terrify you even more than you probably already were. So I followed you to the hospital," she finished.

  "And you took the picture...why?"

  "So that I can use it against Hunter when I kill him for torturing you," she said quietly. Her grip on the picture tightened. I can see her knuckles turning white. Before she accidentally ripped the picture, I took it back and put it back in the drawer. She came closer and leaned against the desk, facing me. It feels like not too long ago something similar to this happened. Me in the chair, her coming very close to me to lean on the desk. But this time is different, yet we will still be talking about Clair. "How did you find out that Clair is my birth mother?" I asked, grabbing her hand again. She smiled at me doing so.

  "Um, remember the night I left because of a phone call? And then I came home with this?" she pointed to her eyebrow. The cut she came home with that night, is now a scar. I stood up and caressed it with my thumb, "Yeah and I know she was the one who shot up the place, I heard her say it herself. She thought I was still asleep,"

  "Well one of her guys was sent to the front door. Kyle knocked him out, although he thought he successfully killed him. We put him in the trunk and brought him to the office with us. When we got there, I left Kyle with the guy in the jeep while I went to check everything out. Somehow Kyle let the guy escape the jeep and he attacked me with a knife, giving me my new scar. Anyways, long story short, I got this information by torturing him and recording it," she said the last part a bit shamefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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