Chapter 5: Sad Stories

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Chapter 5

Sad Stories

Skye's POV;

  It's been a few days now and it hasn't been too bad. I managed to convince Miss Reed that some random house was mine. So when my shift is over, she drops me off there. It's only a few minutes away from my actual place. And Hunter has gone on some sort of trip, so he hasn't been around, thankfully. It gives my body a chance to heal at least a little bit.

  This also gives me a chance to move all of my sentimentals somewhere else. I found a storage unit company who is willing to work with me. They gave me a small unit, which is all I need. I'm just not sure how-

  "Miss Goenett," Miss Reed said sternly, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Y-yes ma'am?" I said, sitting up straight in my chair. "Are you..alright?" She asked. "Y-yes ma'am. I'm okay," I replied. "Don't lie to me Miss Goenett," She said, getting out of her seat. She walked over to my desk and towered over me. My god, this woman has the beauty of a goddess. "I'm not lying, Miss Reed," I said, innocently. She sighed frustratingly before returning to her calm posture.

  From what I've noticed, she only ever looks calm when no one else is around but me. Maybe that's just because we're both females. The only females in this building. "Okay, let's try this again. What is bothering you?" she asked. Shit, I have to come up with something. "Um, just this woman's profile. There's something off, but I'm not sure what," I replied. Technically I'm not lying. I do have this woman's profile in front of me and she just

  "Mm. Let's take a look together then," She said, as she stepped closer to me. She rested one hand on the back of my chair, and the other supporting her weight on my desk. I quickly looked at the file on my desk, trying to hide my red face. "Ah, Clair Campbell. She always has been the odd one," She said, going through the file. I could feel her breath hit the side of my neck. "Tell you what, put her file aside for now and you can go back to it later," She said, as she placed her hand over mine.

  My heart is now going a million miles a minute. "In the meantime, you and I will take our dinner break,"

  Miss Reed grabbed my chin and made me look up at her. "And I'd like to take this time to get to know you, Miss Goenett," She said smirking. The way she said my name, holy fuck. What the hell is this woman doing to me? "O-okay," I stuttered. "Cute, I'll go downstairs and grab our food. You be good and wait here," She said, leaving the office smiling. I don't think I've seen her smile yet. She has a beautiful one, she should smile more.

  "Was she just smiling?" Kyle asked, shocked as he walked in. "She was," I said proudly. "And your face is red. What were you two up to here?" He questioned. "Nothing but work Kyle," I laughed. "Lies. You should tell me about this at lunch tomorrow. Or you can tell me all about it now, before she comes back," Kyle pushed. "There's nothing to talk about, and she'll be back any minute now," I said, teasing him of the information he so desperately wants. "Aww, come on Skye, please?" He whined.

  "Why are you whining at Miss Goenett?" Miss Reed asked, annoyed as she walked back in. I warned him that she'll be back any minute, he didn't listen. Kyle jumped, "I'm sorry Miss Reed, I was just leaving,"

  "Apologize to Miss Goenett, then you may leave," Miss Reed demanded. I was trying so hard not to laugh, but I wasn't able to hide my smile. "I'm sorry Miss Goenett," Kyle apologized. "It's okay Kyle, have a good night,"

  "You too, bye," He said as he practically ran out. "Was he bothering you?" Miss Reed asked. I watched her place our food down at her desk. "No, he wasn't bothering me,"

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