Chapter 9: Truth

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Chapter 9


Skye's POV;

At the mall,

  "I really don't need a crazy amount of clothes. And nothing expensive," I complained. Of course Jenna has to take me into the most expensive store in the mall, and get me way too many clothes. "Skye, like I just said. There are some things you can tell me what to do and what not to do. Others, not gonna happen," she says, placing another shirt that I had looked at earlier into the cart. "It's kind of funny watching Angel's reactions to how we interact with each other. It's as if she's never seen anyone disagree with you, or put you in your place," I chuckled. "She hasn't. No one has," she said bluntly.

  "Seriously? I mean, I know Kyle is afraid of you and Angel is too, but you haven't had at least one person try?"

  "Nope, just you. To be honest, I wasn't expecting that from you. You were such a shy little thing when we first met,"


  The store has that technology where it 'dings' whenever someone enters and leaves the store. As I am trying to look through the huge pile of clothes in the cart, Jenna pulls me into her side by my waist. She's kind of been doing that all day. Every time someone goes to just walk by us, she grabs my hand or arm. This time was a bit more sudden and harsh, not harsh as in she's hurting me, but harsh as in some sort of desperation.

  I looked up at her to give her my 'i'm confused' look, but she wasn't looking at me. She was giving the death stare to the man who just came into the store. And as he walked by us, she held on tighter. Her being nervous or whatever, made me kind of nervous too. So I clung onto the bottom of her shirt. We watched the man leave the aisle, circle around us one more time and then leave the store. "What the fuck was all that about? And are you okay?" I asked, bringing her attention back to me. "Everything is fine, don't worry. Just a typical man being a fucking creep," she tried to reassure me. It didn't work completely, because I know that she knows that he wasn't just someone being creepy. He has some sort of motive.

  "You know I don't believe you, but can we go now? He made me..uneasy,"

  "Yes, we're leaving right now," she said before she whistled to one of the store employees. The employee looked right at Jenna and nodded her head in understanding. After that, within seconds we were back at the jeep. Jenna seemed to be in a rush, and I don't think I blame her. Something is really off here. She threw the bags in the back seat, then helped me into the passenger seat. I'm not as sore and the ice packs have actually started to get rid of most of the bruising.

  So I am fine, I don't feel any pain, but Jenna still thinks otherwise. "Wait a minute, we didn't pay for any of that," I said, but she wasn't paying attention to me. She was more focused on getting back to her house. She actually looked kind of frantic. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, finally getting her attention again. "I said it's nothing, please don't stress over it," she pleaded with me. "Um..okay," was all I said. What the fuck? Did he really creep her out that bad? He did, but there's more that she isn't telling me.

  This whole thing is..weird. First she became really physically protective, then extremely protective when that damn guy showed up. And then that weird interaction between Jenna and that employee. What the hell isn't she telling me? I know she won't be upfront about it. I'll just have to snoop around the house, maybe I'll find something. Maybe Angel could help me. Actually no, she's too afraid of Jenna.

Back at the house,

  As we pull into the driveway, I see Kyle's car. "Kyle?" I was a bit surprised. "Come here princess," Jenna said as she opened my door and held both her hands out. I still can't help but blush, so I try my best to hide my face. Especially now that Kyle is right there. She helps me out of the car, even though I don't need such help anymore. "Hey there Sky-"

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