Chapter 8: Trouble

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Chapter 8


Jenna's POV;

  "So tell me everything you know again," I said, not taking my eyes off the road. "Okay so, I was on my nightly drive, making sure everything was alright. And as I was driving by the office, I saw a woman with blonde hair and three other guys who were all dressed in black. I watched them jump into a dark blue van, which I didn't recognize. And because I didn't recognize the van, that's when I called you," Kyle explained.

  "A woman with blonde hair, mhm.." I said, thinking out loud. There's only one woman I can think of, who'd cause such trouble with blonde hair. And I think Skye was right about Clair Campbell. Something does seem off...way off. "Mhm!" a muffled scream came from my trunk. "Good morning hot stuff," Kyle said in a high sarcastic voice. As I'm turning into the parking lot of the office building, I make sure to take a nice sharp turn.


  I heard him groan, then fall silent. "I didn't say you can wake up yet," I said, as I parked the car. "Alright, let's see who fucked up this time," Kyle said, as he was loading his gun. "No. I want you to stay here and make sure he doesn't wake up,"

  "But what if someone is in there waiting for you? Like this is some sort of trap,"

  "If this were to be a trap, then why would they send some guy to my front door step,"


  "Exactly, now stay here. And if you go to kill someone, make sure they're actually dead," I said as I stepped out and closed my car door. Grabbing my pistol again, I entered the building. "Fuck," I whispered to myself. There is blood on every single desk. I had 10 guys working overnight tonight. They were trying to figure out who has been causing all of this trouble. This isn't the first attack. Whoever this woman is, she's been working her way up the chain. And now she's gotten here.

  This bitch is fucking smart. Smart to the point where it takes multiple men to find one girl. Tonight was the first anyone has seen the slightest glimpse of her. And if my suspicions are correct, Skye might be onto something. This just might be Clair Campbell. "Help!" Kyle screamed from outside. "God damn it Kyle," I said, running back outside. As soon as I opened the door, a knife came from my left. I dodge quickly, but it still cuts my eyebrow pretty good.


  A gun shot was heard, then I saw the guy fall onto the ground, grabbing onto his knee. I looked over to see that Kyle was the one to shoot him. "You couldn't do that before?!" I said, clearly pissed off. "Sorry ma'am," he said cowardly. Shifting my focus, I pick up the knife that was dropped and kneel down in front of the dumbass. "You just fucked up,"

Skye's POV;

  I got bored after dinner, so I made my way to the back yard, which has a pool. I sat on the edge and dipped my feet in as Max played in the shallow end of the pool. Bruno was laying down to the left of me, just hanging out. "Do you think I'll get any answers out of Miss Reed," I asked Bruno. He just tilted his head to the side. "Yeah, I'm not sure I will either. But I am a determined bitch," I said, petting his head a little. "You have to ask your questions in order to get any answer out of me darling," a familiar voice made me jump a little. I turned around to see Miss Reed walking towards Bruno and I.

  "And I have to not be interrupted so that I can ask my questions," I say as she sits down next to me. The first thing I notice is a cut on her eyebrow, a deep one at that. It'll definitely leave a scar. "What the fuck happened?" I said, concerned. It was like I had no control of my hand, because my hand went straight to the cut. "Don't worry about that, it's nothing," she said, taking my hand in hers. Probably just so that she can keep it away from her cut. I don't believe that at all. "What's that look for?" she asked, curiously. "I don't believe you when you say that it's 'nothing', but I'll leave it alone for now. I have more pressing questions to ask,"

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