Chapter 12: Touch

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Chapter 12


Skye's POV:

In the car,

  "What happened to your last jeep?" I asked, rolling up the window. When we first got in the car, I wanted to feel the breeze hit my face, since it has been awhile. But it's now fall and I hate fall, it's too cold for me. "Sadly it got totaled when the asswholes were shooting at me. When they um..took you," she answered. Her voice saddened at the end of her sentence. "Well I'm here now, and I think I like the new jeep better," I said, grabbing her hand. "And why is that?" she questioned. "One, it's a nice shade of blue. And two, there seems to be a lot more space in here,"

  "Yeah you're right about the space part,"

  "If only I could crawl into your lap and cuddle right now," I said, suggestively with puppy eyes. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "No, that's not safe," she chuckled. "Please? It's been so long. And we've only gotten the chance to cuddle once before. I need more than that," I whined. "You mean, more than just cuddles?" she asked in a seductive tone. My face burned like hell and quickly. "I- um I was- wasn't talking about t-that," I smiled sheepishly.

  "Relax baby, I'm just teasing you. We'll cuddle as soon as we get home and eat something," she said, letting go of my hand and placing it on my thigh.

At home,

  We finally arrived home after what felt like forever. "I can't wait to see the pups," I said happily. "I'm sure they feel the same. They actually slept in the guest bed you were in. I'm assuming because it smells like you,"

  "Aw, poor pups,"

  "Everyone really missed you babe,"

  "Well I'm home now, so no one has to miss me anymore,"

  "Good, and I plan on keeping it that way. You remember the rules?" she asked me as she shut the car off. "Rules? I don't have any 'rules' from you," I joked. "Oh yes you do. First rule being, you don't open any doors, I do that for you. Second, I will help you out of the car and you don't fight me on it," she explained with a serious look on her face. "Ooh right, those rules. The only rules you will ever have for me,"

  "Mm, not quite baby girl. There are many other rules I will set in place for you," she gently grabbed my jaw and brought her face close to mine. Once again my heart is now going a thousand miles a minute. "And I know you will enjoy these rules..but now is not the time for this conversation," she said, letting go of my face and getting out of the car. Will I 'enjoy' her rules? I don't think so. "Let's go princess," she held out her hand as she opened the car door. I slowly turned towards her, and with her help, slowly lowered myself to the ground. I can't wait for my body to not be stiff anymore. 

  "Boys!" I called out as soon as we stepped inside. They came running with wagging tails. Max laid on his back for belly rubs at my feet, and completely by surprise, Bruno jumped up on me. He would've knocked me on my ass had Jenna not been standing right behind me. "Bruno off! Easy boy!" Jenna shouted. My back suddenly came in contact with her front, making my brain malfunction for a moment. She rested her hands on my waist as she was dealing with the pups.

  "Glad to see you home again Miss Goenett," Angel came around the corner from the kitchen, she had tears forming in her eyes. "Seriously? Call me Skye," I said, bringing her in for a hug. She didn't hug me as tight as Kyle did, but it seemed a little too..personal. Her arms immediately wrapped themselves around my waist. Now, when I hug my friends, my hands go to their upper backs, not their waists. The only person I will ever hug like that is Jenna.

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