Chapter 11: Bravery

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Chapter 11


((Harper: 23 years old, 5'5, brown eyes and short red hair. She's the Doctor))

Jenna's POV;

The basement two hours later,

  "Boss we found her!" Kyle screamed from the other side of the room. "Come here and show me," I said, basically desperately. Kyle picked up his laptop and ran over to show me. "This is the house they are camping in," he started, placing the laptop down in front of me. "And it just so happens that she lived in this house with her dead husband when Skye was born,"

  "Makes me wonder if she chose this house for that specific reason," I said, sitting back in my chair. "Oh I know she did," Kyle said confidently. "I think she's trying to get Skye on her side and turn her against you," Kyle said as he opened a bag of chips. "Are you serious?"

  "I'm sorry, all this stress makes me hungry,"

  "Well put that shit away and get dressed. Everybody, we're out in five!" I shouted for everyone to hear. "Miss Reed? Is there anything you need me to do on my end?" The maid asked. "Yes, call Harper and tell her to get her ass here, and to be ready to deal with any injuries that might occur tonight," I ordered the maid, and left to get myself ready.  

Five minutes later,

  "Everybody make sure your ear piece is on channel two! It'll take us fifteen minutes to get there so let's roll!" I said as everyone started following me outside to our vehicles. "I'm coming princess," I said to myself as I sped off.

Skye's POV;

  I managed to grab the ear piece by doing the fucking splits. I knew I should've kept stretching as a child, that would've made that much easier. As soon as I was able to actually look at it, I noticed a small button and a set of numbers. "One, two, three and four. Oh this must be the channels, like a radio or a walkie-talkie. And the button is to speak to others. Okay, I get it now," I spoke to myself quietly, as I put it in my ear. I started scanning through the channels, hoping that I would hear something useful to my situation.

  "Alright, we are ten minutes away, so your asses better be fucking ready,"...

  Was that Jenna?! It sounded like her! It has to be! That's her voice! Wait, she's really coming to help me? My heart started racing again. "Jenna?! Is that you?!" I loudly whispered. "Skye?!" Jenna asked, sounding shocked. "Yes! It's me!"

  "Holy fuck, are you okay?! Are you hurt?! Where are you?!" she asked quickly. "I am okay, just one bruise on my face, but other than that I'm alright. And I need you to listen to me very carefully. It's fucking Clair Campbell, as I'm sure you already know. She has me in a bedroom. And the things she- plans on- doing- are-"

  "Okay, okay. I know you are scared shitless right now, but I need you to breathe for me. Can you do that? Just breathe so we can get you out of this mess," Jenna interrupted me. I didn't realize that I was starting to hyperventilate. I took three deep breaths before I started talking again. "Okay, her plan is to lure you here. That's why she kidnapped me. She wants to kill you and take over the mafia," I explained. "Alright-"

  "I know I'm supposed to be scared and mad at you right now, but I can't have you die. I think I really need you," I cried. "Princess I am so, so sorry for bringing you into all of this. I promise, I am going to get you out of there, and no one is going to kill me. Not while you need me, okay? Just hang on a little longer, I am almost there," Jenna tried to comfort me. "Okay," I whispered. "Just one thing I need to know, is there a window in the bedroom that you're in?" she asked. I looked over and saw one to my right. "Yes,and I'm also chained to the bed frame" I answered her. "Good, that means you're not in the basement. I'll be able to get to you faster. I'll see you in just a minute, okay?"

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