Chapter 3: Hired

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Chapter 3


Skye's POV;

  "I'm actually on my lunch break right now. Do you want to join me?" Kyle asked. "No it's okay. I don't have any money-"

  "Don't worry about that. I'll get you something," Kyle interrupts. It's not like I have anything else to do. "Alright then,"


In the cafeteria,

  Of course this big ass building is going to have a cafeteria. "I'm getting the salad, what do you want?" Kyle asked me as he grabbed a salad. "Um, I'll just have a thing of nachos,"

  "Good choice," he said, handing the food to me. He scanned his employee card at the end of the line and we went to take a seat. "Where would you like to sit?" he asked. I scanned the cafeteria. "How about over by the windows,"

  "Okay," he said as he led the way. The whole wall was basically one big window, and you could see another hallway on the other side. "Why do these windows look into a hallway?" I asked as we sat down. "That's so if Miss Reed is looking for someone in here, she has a good view to find who she is looking for," He explained. I can't decide whether that's smart or creepy. "So let's play 21 questions,"

  "Okay, you first," I said, giving myself a chance to take a bite of my food. "Favorite color?"

  "Red, yours?"

  "Pink. The color you hate the most?"

  "Pink, and you?"


  We both laughed. Of course my favorite color is his least favorite. A sharp pain from my stomach stops me from laughing. I held my stomach and forced out a chuckle to cover my noises of discomfort. I take a deep breath and I look through the window. To my surprise, I saw Miss Reed at the end of the hallway smiling at me. She stopped smiling at me when she noticed me looking at her. Kyle, for some reason, is still busy laughing. I don't know why, it wasn't even that funny. Miss Reed quickly turned and walked away.

  Was she really smiling at me? Or am I just seeing things. "Okay okay. Are you into men or women," Kyle asked, drawing my attention back to him. That question made me think. I don't really know. Not only is Miss Reed making me question my sexuality, but I've never really been given the chance to explore. "To be honest, I'm not sure right now. How about you?" I asked. "Ooo okay. Definitely men for me," Kyle said proudly. So he wasn't flirting with me! Oh thank god.

  "Damn, looks like lunchtime is over. I'll walk you out," Kyle said, as he led me out of the cafeteria. Getting up, I looked back at the hallway. For some reason, I was hoping to see her standing there. She obviously wasn't. I followed Kyle and tried to not search for her. Wait, why would I search for her? I barely even know the damn woman.

A few minutes later,

  "Well, you'll get another call from me probably tomorrow,"

  "That's if I get hired,"

  "Like I said, I have a good feeling about it. So, talk to you later!"

  "Bye," I waved as I exited the building. I turned around to get a better look at the tall building. "Reed Authority" was in bold letters. So that's the company name. Literally has her name in it. I turned back around and saw the library across the street. I still have the day to waste, might as well use the library's computers and see what I can find on Miss. Reed and her company. I crossed the street and walked into the library.

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