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Jo's P.O.V.

"Hi, Bestie." I greeted Reese when she opened their door for me. She gave me a small smile and gestured for me to come in.

"Oh, hello Mrs. Curtis." I greeted her Mom when she came out from the kitchen.

"You're just in time, Jo. Come you two, dinner is ready. Also, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Summer? I sound so old whenever you call me Mrs. Curtis." She winced at the mention of her formal name.

I chuckled at that.

We sat at the dining table and waited for her Dad to join us.

"Did Reese tell you that she was planning to transfer school, Jo?" Summer looked at me before looking at Reese who was eating in silence.

"She wasn't giving us any reasons so maybe you know something?" 

"Mom!" Reese almost yell at her Mom.

"Oh honey, I just find it weird that you will transfer when the school year just started." she continued.

"Also, you love your school, and I cannot believe you will leave Jo there for what, for nothing, you just feel like moving?" Summer ignored the glare from Reese and continued with her speech.

"Did something happen at school, Jo?" I could hear the worries in her voice. 

I seemed to choke on my food as she was staring at me along with Mr. Curtis.

"Nothing happened, Mom. and stop interrogating Jo, you're scaring her." Reese came to my rescue.

"I'm not interrogating your friend, honey. I was just asking her questions that you won't tell me."

Mr. Curtis averted her eyes and focus again on his food. He's a quiet man but I know he was worried too about Reese.

I as well averted my eyes from Summer who was still giving me a look.

If Reese has no plan to tell her parents, who am I to do so?

When we finish with our food, Reese pull me by my hand into her bedroom, she locked the door behind us.

"Is that necessary?"  I asked her wondering.

"My Mom is so nosy. By the way, why are you here?" She sat on her bed and browse the magazine that was on top of it. I sat beside her.

"You don't have to transfer schools." That earned me a questioning look.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She closed the magazine and moved her foot up to the bed and cross it, leaving the other down.

"Well, I found a way to stop the bullying, Reese. You don't have to transfer, I took care of it."

"Again, what's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean, I took care of it."

"Josephine Karen Thompson!"

"Hey, what are you fully naming me for?"

"What did you do, Jo?"

I let out a deep sigh.

"I talked to Brittany, I made a deal with her." 

"And?" Reese was becoming impatient.

"Well, in return for the bullying to stop... I, umm... I agreed to be..."

"Ohh my god, Josephine! Spill it out."

"I agreed to be her girlfriend!"

I saw how Reese's eyes widened in slow motion, her mouth forming an 'O'

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