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It is 5 minutes before the bell ring. Rachel insisted to walk me to my class since hers was just in the next room. She even waited for me at my locker where I took some books for my first period.

We talked mostly about practice and how we don't have a class together.

When she saw I had a phone, she demanded that I give my number to her, reasoning that we've known each other for a while and we never hang out outside practice.

I gave in thinking it would not do any harm. 

"Ok, I'll text you sometime." Rachel said while stepping backward, waving at me.

I smiled at her and went inside the room. My eyes darted to the seat beside mine, it was still empty.

Where is Brittany? Probably with her trolls.

I shrugged my shoulder and headed to my seat. I prepared my book and opened my notes and pen. 

30 seconds before the bell rang, Brittany and the redhead emerged from the door. Her piercing electric blue eyes were glaring at me. I furrowed my brows thinking why she was looking at me like that.

"How was breakfast?" She asked me with an indignant tone as soon as she sat beside me.

"What?" I looked at her side, her face was straight and didn't hold any emotions.

When the bell rang, our teacher started talking in front of us. Brittany's focus was diverted to the front as well.

I wanted to ask her what she means by that but didn't get the chance though I feel so tense sitting beside her. 

I could feel that she was angry though she never threw me another look the entire period. I tried to focus on our teacher and keep notes. She was also distant, her elbow was not even going near mine, unlike the last time.

Again, with the pinch feeling in my chest. Would I feel this every time Brittany and I would act like this? 

Then what more when we separate our ways after graduation?

Thinking about that, the pinch that I felt earlier became a punch. It was like heavy fists are punching my chest multiple times.

The bell rings dismissing us, I gathered my stuff while Brittany stood up in front of me with her arms crossing her chest.

"You ditched breakfast with me so that you could have time with Rachel?" Those words thundered in my ears.

So, that's why she was angry!

I stood up and walks away from her. But not long before I felt her grabbing me by the arm forcing me to look back at her.

"I'm still talking to you!" She snorted.

I waited till the last kid left us in the room before I speak.

"You clearly didn't want to have breakfast with me this morning, Brittany. So what's your problem?" I hissed at her.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know... I woke up very early today. I was excited. I was looking in my mirror for over 10 minutes because I was conscious that I don't have nice clothes to wear..."

"What are you..."

"And then you came late! You didn't even have the courtesy to call or text me to let me know that you were coming late! And when you came, your mood was off, you were throwing me attitude, so clearly, you didn't want to have breakfast with me this morning, so why would I force myself on somebody that didn't even want to spend time with me?"

I whisked away her hand that was on my arm and stormed off.

Ughhhh, I've never met someone so complicated as her. 

When she didn't follow me, I felt relieved. I don't want to fight with her now that I was super pissed and I might say something I will regret later.

The second and third period moved very slowly, which I have no objection to at all. I didn't even want to attend my last as it means I will be seated with Brittany.

I don't know how much I can tolerate her attitude. I also didn't want to give her a reason to call off our deal, I am pissed but I cannot have her calling it off. I cannot have Reese transfer to another school.

Is that the only reason?

I pressed my eyes shut and pushed that thought very far to the back of my head. 

Before the bell rang for my last period, I hurried myself to enter inside the room.

Brittany is already seated beside my seat. I found her gazing at me while I walked toward her. Though she was not wearing her bitch face as I approached our seat, the tension still builds up inside me.

What's her game now? She was so mad at me earlier because I had breakfast with Rachel and now... she looks at peace and I think I even saw her smirk a little.

I sat on my seat silently while I feel her still gazing at me and my every movement. I wanted to hiss at her but stopped myself from doing so.

When the teacher came, I sighed deeply as her attention was diverted to the front. The full hour went by quickly, even with the quiz given to us, the time runs very fast.

When the bell dismissed us, I gathered my stuff and was about to leave Brittany when I felt her grabbing my wrist.

"What do you want?" I asked her not even turning my back.

"Let's have lunch." I felt her stand up.

"I'm not hungry." I rejected her.

"I don't care! You're having lunch with me." Brittany took my hand and intertwined our fingers before pulling me outside the room.

The kids in the hallway became silent when we passes them by. 

She brought me to my locker and waited for me to shove my stuff and took my duffel bag for practice.

She held my hand again and intertwined our fingers.

The kids were making way for us to pass. It was weird, I feel like we were king and queen and they were our servants. 

These people really fear Brittany.

"Where are your trolls?" I asked her when we entered the cafeteria. A lot of kids are already here, chatting and eating and when they saw us, involuntarily, the cafeteria kept quiet.

All eyes were on us. I tried to take my hand from her and it just made her resist and squeeze my hand harder, not ready of letting it go.

"I don't know." She said.

We went to the counter where the food was. She didn't ask me what I want and just chose my food for me. At the time, she has to let go of my hand and I took that opportunity to keep a distance between us.

She handed me my tray and told me to follow her.

We sat at the corner table. She prepare my food for me and ate in silence.

It was awkward for me but I didn't want to be the one to start a conversation.

And surprisingly, even with the stares I was getting from the kids here in the cafeteria, I was able to eat.

I should maybe get used to it. I mean, from now on, they will see me always with Brittany till graduation comes.

Brittany finished her food before me and when I was done, she took me by the hand for the ninth time and pull me out of the cafeteria.

By the looks of the path we were taking, I know exactly where we were going.

I proved myself right when we reached the place where she took me when I first asked her to talk.

The place where she kissed me.

Where I kissed her back.

And the place where I lost myself because of that kiss I shared with Brittany.

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