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Jo's P.O.V.


It's just the fourth day of the week but why do I feel like it's been months since the school year started?

Maybe because a lot of things happened in the span of three days?

As I entered the school premises, my heart was pounding, I immediately scanned the students on my way, hoping not to see a certain strawberry blonde hair.

I know she will be in my first period but I think I can use a couple of minutes before seeing her. 

I stayed up late last night thinking of what this day will be like, how will I face Brittany, and what will I tell her.

After the kiss we shared yesterday and after I reciprocated it, I feel so embarrassed thinking how I reacted to that, damn! 

"Hi, babe!" I was startled when I felt Brittany wrap her hand around my waist, I even think I jumped a little.

Like an instinct, I immediately remove her hands which made her laugh.

Why do I feel like it was music in my ear? I heard her laugh before but this time, it sounded beautiful in my ears.

I looked around to see if anybody saw that, and when I turned my face I saw the redhead eyeing me like she was ready to mangle me anytime.

I wonder if she knows already our agreement.

Of course, she does, she has to stop bullying Reese.

"Umm, Can we talk later?" I whisper to Brittany.

"Talk or..."

"Just to talk, ok?" I felt my blood rushing through my cheeks as I got what she was insinuating.

I tried to walk faster leaving them behind but just briefly, I felt Brittany catching up. Just her being by my side was enough to earn the attention of the whole student body. I was not used to people staring at me, or giving me attention, well of course it is different when I was on the field playing volleyball, I mean, I am good at what I do and I know some kids know me here at school because I play well, but it is different when they notice me because of the popular blonde walking beside me.

Oh my god! What more if they know I am her girlfriend! I cringe at that thought.

When we reached the hallway where the lockers are, I opened mine while Brittany lean her shoulder against it, facing me. I took the stuff I need for the first period, and in my peripheral vision, I could see her smiling.

I slammed my locker door close and headed to the first period.

"I'll take you to lunch." I turned my face to Brittany and found her eyes.

She looks... happy. 

"There's no need, we can talk here, I mean... in the hallway or... in the field." I must sound stupid as Brittany softly chuckled at that.

She is happy. I stared at her electric blue eyes, I don't think I have seen her face like this, so bright and... radiant unlike her normal resting bitch face.

We both entered our classroom and sat in our usual spot while the redhead keeps eyeing me. She must be super pissed, she wasn't gonna be able to bully Reese. 

I smiled at that, she'll be at peace at least. 

Brittany was listening closely to our teacher while I... Well, I cannot concentrate because her elbow keeps touching mine. She's left-handed so when we were both writing at the same time, her elbow is bumping into mine, and whenever that happened, I feel this electricity running from my elbow through to my stomach, which is funny because it was just a simple touch, it wasn't even intentional.

And when she rested her elbow on the little table of my tablet armchair while she bit the tip of the pen she was holding, I felt a flutter in my stomach. She looks cute, I had to stop myself from staring at her.

The first hour finished so fast, I didn't even feel like it was an entire hour.

I collected my stuff and tried so hard to ignore the girl beside me.

"Did you even understand the lesson?" She asked so casually.


"Well, you were ogling me, so I wonder if you even understand something in our lesson." 

"I so did not!" I glared at her and my voice must be so high it caused the other students to look at us. And before I could think, I hit her arm with my book.

"Ow! Ow! Ok fine, you were not...!" 

"What the hell?" We didn't realize that the redhead was standing in front of us with her hands on her waist and boy, she was upset.

Brittany stood up and eyed the other students to go and leave us, which they did. As soon as we were the only ones in the classroom, Brittany face the redhead.

"You remember the thing I told you yesterday?"

"Yeah?" The redhead turned to look and squinted at me.

"Well, there's more to it. Um, Jo here is now my girlfriend."

I swear to god, I saw how the redhead's face changed from wide-eyed to darkly pained expression, I think her ears were even red, she scares me a little bit, to be honest.

"Whaaattt???" Her voice echoed throughout the classroom, how I'm glad nobody's here.

"You two finish that, I have another class to attend." I excuse myself from both of them.

I don't know how exactly close they are for it to be a big issue, or if they need to fight about it. It concerns me because I was part of it but I'm not gonna be in the middle of it. I already have my own drama and I don't need theirs.

I attended my second and third period in peace, I didn't see even the shadows of Brittany and her trolls, not even in the hallways.

Maybe they skip class.

I hope they skip the fourth period as well.

But just so not my luck, when I entered my last class for the day, Brittany is already there sitting beside my usual seat. My eyes search for her trolls, and there they were, sitting in their usual spot.

The redhead is now giving me a sly smile.

She's weird. Super weird.

I averted my eyes and walk towards my seat where Brittany is already waiting.

"How are you?" 

They are really weird.

"I'm... fine?" As I sat, I found her eyes lingering on my lips.

"Stop looking at me like that." I growled at her.

"Like what?" Giving me a deadpan look.

"You know, what." 

Literally saved by the bell, Brittany diverted her eyes to the teacher who is now writing on the board.

Her chair is pushed more to my side, she was too close for my liking. Her shoulder was almost touching mine and I could smell her scent, the scent that only she possessed. 

The whole period I tried so hard not to look at my side before she accused me of ogling her again. 

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