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Brittany's P.O.V.

As expected, Jo fractured her ankle.

Luckily, she didn't need surgery but she needs to heal at least 6 weeks.

And for 3 to 6 months, she wouldn't be able to play volleyball. That's basically the remaining months of the school year.

I don't know how to break that news to her. It will devastate her. 

Her scholarship depended on that, I don't know what would happen to that as well.

A few hours had passed when I felt Jo shifted to her bed.

"Hey." I greeted her again as she opened her eyes.

"Hey." She greeted back with a husky voice.

"How was your pain?" I moved to her bed and sat beside her. I held her hand and brought it to my lips. She smiled at that.

"I can barely feel it. Did the Doctor see you? What did he say?"

"How about I discharge you now and bring you home first?" I leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

She nodded smiling.

I left her for a while to process her discharge and pay whatever I needed to pay.

Soon enough I was driving her to my house.

"You stay with me till you heal, okay? I can't imagine you living on your own in your house. You don't have to worry about my parents too, they are barely home anyway. And about your job, file a leave or something or quit if they don't allow you. You won't be able to go to school for 2 weeks, I think. You cannot walk and put your weight on your foot, it will just disturb the healing process and will take you longer to fully heal. Jo, are you listening?"

I looked in my rearview mirror to see her. I had her sit at the back so that she could stretch or something.

"Yeah, I hear you." Her voice is still sleepy.

"I want you to eat before you sleep again. I already called our maids to prepare something for you. They also fixed the guest room downstairs so that we can stay there and you don't have to go up and down the stairs. Jo? Do you still hear me?" 

"Yeah." She said as she fixed her position into a more comfortable one.

A few more minutes and I was pulling over in front of our gate. Two of our maids are already outside waiting for us.

They greeted me and I greeted them back.

One of them took the wheelchair out of the trunk while the other one helped me with Jo. 

"Thank you." I heard Jo uttered.

I wheeled her in despite my maids taking the wheelchair from me. 

As soon as inside, we went straight to the dining room where the food is already prepared.

"You have to eat something Jo, you have a lot of meds that you need to take." I told her as she just stared at the food before her.

I ended up feeding her. She's still groggy and her eyes seem to close on their own.

As I tucked her in, my mind wandered back to the field.

I didn't see anybody near her when she ran towards the ball and tripped, though I could've sworn, I saw Hailey running towards her, I don't know, maybe to be on standby just in case Jo won't be able to hit the ball or what.

But she was the only one who probably saw what happened.

Maybe I should call her.

Before calling Hailey, I remembered Reese.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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