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Brittany's P.O.V.


Today is Monday.

As much as I want to see Jo today, I am still pissed at what happened over the weekend.

I don't ask her to update me from time to time, but at least let me know her whereabouts, is that too much to ask?

I was so worried the other night.

I know she heard Hailey in the background when she called me and I want to clear things out before she jumped to any conclusions.

But she never answered any of my calls and messages.

I know it was too exaggerated to think that something might have happened to her but what am I supposed to think then?

I don't know anybody from her life aside from Reese and well, her Mom. But I don't think the latter is reliable at all, plus, I have no idea where she is.

I wanted to call her yesterday but stopped myself. 

Instead, I waited for her to make the first move but she didn't.

This just proves that she doesn't feel the same. She liked me alright, but deeper than that? I should've known, she never answered me whenever I told her I loved her.

I don't know which hurts the most, my ego or that thing beating inside my chest.

I'm thinking twice about whether I should go and pick her up, I don't even know if she'll wait for me in front of her house.

After a couple of minutes of self-debating, I found myself driving to her place and she was there, waiting for me not knowing if I would show up or not.

"Hi." She greeted me before she sat down in the passenger seat.

"Hello." I greeted her back.

As soon as I saw she was set, I drove off. 

No words, you won't hear any words but just our breathing inside the car.

It was awkward, she was sitting stiff and I was looking at the road straight.

As expected, when we arrived at the school parking, my girls and Hailey were already there waiting for me.

I looked briefly at Jo, maybe trying to read her face but I got nothing. She has this poker face on.

I am not asking for much. Maybe just for her to apologize to me for making me feel so worried the other day, was that too much?

We both got out of the car.

I nodded at my girls and stayed with them where Jo turned her back and walked towards the classrooms.

"Lover's quarrel?" Gizelle sarcastically teased me.

I glared at her but she just smirked, indirectly telling me she didn't care for that.

"Everything okay, babe?" Hailey asked when we started walking toward the classrooms. She tried to hold my hand but I avoided it.

"Oh, yeah, right. Sorry." She whispered.

Three of us went straight to our classroom, seated on our usual spots. Jo is still not here. She probably passed by the lockers to get some of her stuff.

Two minutes passed, Jo entered the room, her presence palpable even before I looked up. 

She sat beside me, the tension started building up.

Does she feel it? Or is it just me?

The first period started, our teacher was in front of us talking about the lesson but I didn't hear it. It was just me and Jo, just like we were in the car, silent and awkward.

I want to initiate the talk but at the same time think of my pride.

Am I in the wrong here?

Ever since I told her about Hailey, she became distant. Declining all my invitations to spend time together.

It was almost like she was avoiding me, and wouldn't look me in the eyes for too long. 

I wanted to ask her all about it but I was scared. Scared of what she might tell me.

I know I loved Hailey before but was it really it is?

I mean, yeah, she was the most important person in my life at the time.

But if I would base my feelings now and back then, though from different people, whatever I am feeling now for Jo, I never felt this with Hailey.

I was never jealous of anyone.

Yes, I was hurt when she left but it now felt like I was hurt just because my comfort left me and not the person I love.

With Jo, with just her looking at me, she makes me feel things already. 

When we kiss, she makes me feel like it was always the first time.

And when we made love, she made me feel whole. Like everything flawed in me doesn't matter. That I was enough.

The girl even made me smile at our house help and made me clean after myself, for Pete's sake!

She was changing me and I was a fool to admit that I like it. Whatever she was doing to me, I like it and I wanna keep doing it.

And now with the cold treatment, it's crushing me. 

I want to fix it but I don't know how. I want to speak with her but I don't know how.

The teacher dismissed us and if it was not for Hailey, I wouldn't even hear the bell going off.

"Are you okay?" I heard her ask.

I looked at my side where Jo was sitting, she was not there anymore.

I didn't even notice that she left.

Realizing that made me ran to the hallways, looking for her, but she was gone.

"What's happening, Brit?" Hailey asked again with Gizelle following her.

"I just..."

"Are you not well?" Hailey puts the back of her hand on my forehead. I whisked it away and still scanned around the hallway looking for Jo.

I continued my classes with Jo in my mind. I'll see her in the last period, that's what I was looking forward to.

But even in the last period, Jo was nowhere to be found

Where is she?

I took out my phone and started texting her.

Where are you, Jo? It's the last hour and you're not here.

Even though I'm not sure she would text me back, I still sent her the message.

The full hour, no reply.

I mean. what did I expect?

Maybe at practice, she would show. She doesn't miss practice, I'll just wait for her at the field.

I can't believe, me, Brittany Anderson would look pathetic over one Jo Thompson.


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