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Brittany's P.O.V.

How would you know how to treat a real friend when you are surrounded by fake ones? How would you know to care for one when all you care about is yourself?

Those words stung and echoed in my mind. The whole period, Jo didn't look in my direction even if we were just seating side by side.

It's true though. I know my girls hang out with me because I am the Queen in this school. They follow me like puppies because they want power. They never cared for me, they never look at me like how Jo was looking at Reese. They don't smile at me like how Curtis smiles at Jo. God, we don't even touch one another.

Do I envy that kind of relationship?

It's true and I'm fooling myself by surrounding myself with snakes. I know that one of these days, one of them will bite me in the back. They stay by my side because they needed someone like me to protect them. There are other groups of bullies in this school and they cannot be touched as long as I walk in front of them

For the years that I was at this school, I never touched anybody, I never slammed anybody against the wall, or push them down the stairs. All the work was done by my girls, I was their leader so it seemed that It was me who ordered them to do it. And I laugh along with them whenever they bully someone. So it doesn't matter if it was me or my girls, I am their leader so I am responsible for every wound the students bear for their bullying.

Normally, I don't care. We've been doing this for years.

But why do I feel like I cared what Thompson thinks of me?

I know she thinks of me the worst, why wouldn't she? I have a reputation here in the school as the Queen Bitch.

After the first period, Jo ran away from me like I was a disease, my eyes followed where she was going and I was not surprised when I saw her with Curtis. 

The strange thing is, why did my chest tighten at that view? Seeing how close they were, seeing how they walk arm to arm, am I longing for that kind of closeness?

I can be close to anyone, the boys and girls at this school basically throw themselves at me, like every day. But I never walk with someone that close, a friend or not.

Even at home, my family doesn't hug each other. We kiss on the cheek as it is how we greet each other, but a human touch? I can't remember my Mom hugging me, even when I was little. I was raised by my nannies because my parents are very busy with their businesses.

I have a brother but we are not very close, he always makes me cry when we were little. And even up to now, all his words are just to annoy me, like it was his lifelong mission to do that.

So seeing Thompson and Curtis that very close, I suspected that they were a couple. And the way she defended Curtis from us, I mean, my girls bullied a lot of students in this school, friends or not, nobody even dared to defend anybody, just her. Just Thompson.

The fourth period came, and I don't know why I suddenly feel excited.

My girls and I are seated in the same seat we occupied yesterday, I silently hope that Thompson and Curtis will do too.

I found myself looking at the door, waiting for a certain brown-eyed girl to enter inside.

Damn! What the hell am I doing? I scolded myself.

As I shook that thought and decided to look away, the girl that I was looking for enters the room.

She was laughing along with Curtis, her nose crinkling as she do so, I find it... cute.

She was whispering something to Curtis that made the girl Blush, they were walking inside with no care at all about their surroundings. Till Giselle interrupted them.

"Hey, Curtis. It was so strange to see your face not on the floor." Then the full classroom laughed at that except me.

What's wrong with me?

Curtis was pulling Jo's arm, probably stopping her to retaliate. Jo's eyes found mine. She was so pissed at the comment of Giselle and I felt the urge of punching Giselle's face for that. Her eyes are squinting with anger and focused just on me.

What did I do? I wanted to ask her. I didn't even laugh.

"Hey, Ginger. Ever wonder what would you look like with your face on the floor?" 

Giselle's laugh was wiped when she heard Jo. Nobody in this school ever called her ginger. I saw the classroom trying to suppress their laugh, scared that they would be punished if they do so. But since it was really funny and direct, some burst out laughing and Giselle gave them her devilish look.

Jo was smiling triumphantly. She had made Giselle taste her own medicine and I could see that she was happy seeing Giselle's reaction and even made the room laugh at her comment.

When Jo's eyes found mine again, I gave her a nod and smiled at her. She was confused about that as her brows furrowed.

Good girl!

"I hate that girl!" I heard Giselle mutter under her breath.

The class was dismissed and as usual, Jo and her friend left without even looking in our direction. Giselle didn't bother to say anything after that embarrassment that happened to her.

I don't want to go home yet so I asked the girls to have lunch with me. In the cafeteria, we were greeted by their boyfriends. As for me, I am currently single.

We all sat in our usual corner while the boyfriends get our lunch.

My eyes darted to the door where Jo and her friend entered. Jo was carrying a duffel bag and she was wearing cycling shorts and a white t-shirt. Her brown hair was pulled in a ponytail exposing her neck. Her long and toned legs were also exposed, I didn't know she play in this school. 

They didn't see us yet so they were in a happy mood. They were talking and laughing. 

When they get their lunch and were looking for a place to seat, our gaze met and her smile was wiped from her face. It was just two seconds that she gave attention to me and sat very far from us.

Surprisingly, Giselle didn't utter any word to annoy the couple. Her tongue probably retracted from what happened earlier. She was just looking at the both of them, knowing her, she must be plotting an act of revenge to get them both, or maybe just Curtis.

Jo sat with her back facing me and both seemed to be in a deep conversation as Curtis's face changed, She was actually looking like she was about to cry and I found myself curious as to what were they talking about.

We stayed in the cafeteria even after lunch to kill some time, When I saw that almost everybody was already leaving the place, I asked the girls to hang out at the field. I want to see Jo and what kind of sports she was into. I want to ask the girls about it earlier but I don't want them questioning me why I was so interested in knowing Thompson.

It was still early as the field is still empty, it was not even two in the afternoon.

"What time is practice?" I asked when we sat on the bench.

"I don't know, are we watching practice?" It was Mina.

"No." I denied. "I just ask 'cause the field was empty."

"I think 02:30." I looked at Corinne. Corinne barely says anything, she doesn't even lay a hand on the students that are subjects of Mina and Giselle's bullying. She just laughs with us after the deed is done. She has the weirdest laugh, I swear.

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