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Brittany's P.O.V.

I must've gone overboard by preparing so much food for Jo.

Seeing her earlier cry that hard, crushed my heart into a million pieces. I could feel the pain radiating from her to me, every sob was sending a knife to my chest. I wanted to cry with her but I gotta stay strong for her so she could get her strength from me.

I have no idea how to comfort someone, I've never done it, not even once in my life. I Googled how to and it said that food could be one thing to comfort someone so I cooked... a lot.

Jo is already at the dining table waiting for me. I hurried myself to get the baked salmon in the oven and went outside to join her.

We didn't have the chance to eat lunch because of the incident with her and her Mom at their house.

I wanted to ask her so badly about it but I figured, she'd tell me once she was ready, with her state earlier, rest and sleep is what she needed most, not me bombarding her with questions.

Her Mom seemed so sweet, I could see where Jo got her natural beauty. 

At first, she looked like she didn't sleep much, she looked tired and very skinny. The bags under her eyes were big and worrying, and even her clothes were not properly worn, I mean, I could see the big stains from her shirt, it was also crumpled and it looked like it had not been washed for a few days.

And she... actually stinks. 

Then she mentioned that she was taking care of her sick Mother, then I kind of understood why she looked like that. 

I assumed it was hard to care for someone, especially if that someone was sick and old.

I actually felt bad and sad hearing the story from her Mom and then tears started brimming her eyes.

I was raised by money and not affection, so the first thought that came to mind was to offer financial help, but then, Jo became upset and we ended up running away from her Mother, which I find really strange and weird.

I even thought she was mad at me for offering the money but she took me away with her so I'm guessing, it was her Mother who she was upset about?

Upset is actually not the right word, she was fuming with anger and pain at the same time.

I really wanna ask questions but I don't want to sound like I was prying or something.

"Are you okay, Brit?" Jo's voice pulled me out of my deep thought.

"I should be asking you that." I smiled at her, we were already seated at the table.

"Are you feeling better?" 

"Yeah, the sleep helped. Shall we eat?"

We both dug in and were quiet. It was not an awkward silence, I guess we were both super hungry that talking was not an option.

"Do you cook normally?" Jo asked after a long while.


"Then why do you keep cooking for me?"

I looked at her, amused.

"Are you really asking me that?" I let out a soft laugh.

"Well, yeah."

I put down my fork and knife and crossed my hands on top of the table.

"Because I like you, Josephine Thompson. Is that enough reason?"

Her cheeks were now all kinds of red and couldn't meet my eyes, she looked so cute.

I already told her before that I liked her but I could still see how it was affecting her like she heard it for the first time.

When we finished, we both helped the maids fix the table but let them wash the dishes.

"Do you want to go in the garden?" I invited her out.

When she nodded, I took her hand to mine and intertwined them. 

With just our hands touching, the tingling in my stomach began. I caught her looking at me when I turned my face to her.

She was smiling, and it warmed my heart.

We both sat on the patio chairs facing our swimming pool. All the night lights are on giving us a cozy ambience.

"It's so beautiful out here." I heard her say, then she looked up. I followed what she did, we both laid our backs and silently admired the stars in the evening sky.

I turned to look at her again.

Her face holds natural beauty that I never thought I would crave, so innocent yet fierce. Each of her facial features complements each other.

She looks so captivating but doesn't even know it.

"I don't have a normal family." She started.

"You don't have to tell me, Jo."

She looked at my side with sad eyes. There were no tears but they were sad, Just looking at them, I felt my chest tighten.

"I've never told this to anyone but Reese because she's my best friend... She's the only person in the world that I trust, You see, why I cannot afford for her to transfer schools and was willing to do anything just for her to stay?"

I know she's not trying to attack me or anything but I felt offended and hurt, and I can't blame her. My girls made her friend's life like a living hell.

"But then you came along, Brittany... I never thought I would like you this much."

She smiled at me before continuing.

"You were this mean girl at school who cared for no one but herself. You always carried that Satanist smile whenever your minions hurt somebody and I hated you, I hated you because you cause so much pain to others but it never bothered you one bit."

Everything she's saying is true, it's hitting so many nerves but all I can do is listen.

"But then, I liked you. When you kissed me that day, god, that kiss... You made me feel things I never thought I'd feel for you. That kiss made me think about you for days, it was like, it opened another dimension for me, and started to know the real you..."

She smiled again.

"...You made me feel that it was safe to trust you because you will never betray me, you are making me feel, until now, Brittany that I am important, I am special, nobody made me feel that and I am so grateful and my heart is so full because of you..."

Damn, my heart is filled with happiness and a special kind of warmth. Her words are like a beautiful song and I could see in her eyes that she meant every single of it.

"...And I want you to know that you are special to me too, Brittany. I appreciate everything you do, especially today when you gave me my space and didn't ask me questions about what happened."

"I just want you to..."

"I know, Brit. I know."

She reached for my hand and squeezed it. Her eyes fixated on them, though she was smiling.

"My Mom is a drug addict and my Dad is in prison."


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Thank youuuu for always supporting my work, I'm reading all your comments and I love how invested you are in the story :)

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