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Jo.s P.O.V.

I'm in Brittany's bed with Brittany beside me, just inches apart and my insides were freaking out. I had the covers up to my neck, clinging onto them like it is gonna save me from insanity.

It is almost 3 in the morning and I am still wide awake. The presence beside me kept my senses alive and alert. Every time she shifts, my heart goes along with it. Mainly because I'm nervous and... thrilled?

"Are you still awake?" I was startled when I heard her speak.

"Jo? I know you're still awake." She continued when I didn't respond.

"How can you be sure?"

I heard her chuckle.

I had my eyes glued to the ceiling but on my peripheral, I saw her turn to face me.

"Well, first, you just spoke and second, you were awfully still, you didn't even move one bit."

"I couldn't sleep." I admitted to her while I turn to face her.

"Is it because of me?" 

"Frankly, yes."

"Are you scared I'm gonna make a move on you?"

"No." It's the truth though. I somehow felt comfortable and safe.

I'll be honest, when she suggested for me to spend the night here, I thought of it but just in a split second. Something in me dismissed it thinking she wouldn't do such. And if there's anything to happen, it's because I want it to.

"Then, what's bothering you?" As the curtains on her window were left open, the moon beams gently touched her face, making her look like a beautiful dream. Her eyes were focused on mine and her features glowed in the moonlight.

"You." I said truthfully.

"I'm sorry if I'm such a bothersome." I heard her say with sincerity in her voice and a hint of sadness.

As if in instinct, my hand reached for her cheek, caressing it lightly and delicately with the back of my index finger.

"You're not, babe." I can't help but call her with the endearment she chose for both of us. And I know it affected her when her eyes lit up and her lips curve into a small smile.

Brittany reached for my hand that was on her cheek and held it.

"Then what is it?" She asked with a gentle voice.

I scoot a little bit over to her side and had my hand that was on her cheek wrapped around her waist.

"Kiss me." I said in a hoarse voice.

Our faces are inches apart. If she were surprised by what I said, I wasn't able to see it as she closed our distance almost immediately.

As soon as our lips touched, butterflies explode in my stomach. She scoot a little bit over to get close to me while her hand cupped my face and the other scooped under my neck, pulling my hair, lifting my head a bit.

"Josephine..." My chest tightens as she moans my name

Her warm breath lingered with mine, our lips met again in a dance so gentle, it felt as if they were barely touching at all. It was a tender connection, a whisper of affection that sent shivers down my spine.

In that fleeting moment, time seemed to suspend, my worries, fears, and doubts melted away, leaving only the purity of my emotions toward Brittany. It was a kiss of understanding, of knowing and being known.

How can a kiss makes me feel all these? I could write a damn essay just with my feelings right now.

As  she pulled away, a soft smile played on her lips, it wasn't teasing nor cunning, it was indeed a genuine one, the one that makes my heart melt.

"You think you can sleep now?" She whispered.

I nod in response.

I rested my head on her shoulder while I bury my face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her intoxicating scent.

In the hush of the night, I found comfort in Brittany's embrace. Our bodies are molded into a perfect fit, like two pieces of a puzzle coming together. With arms wrapped around each other, we held on as if trying to merge into one being.

Contentment is what I felt before I drift away to sleep.


As the first rays of dawn gently filtered through the curtains, I stirred from my slumber, greeted by the soft, warm presence of Brittany beside me. Her peaceful breathing and the faint hint of a smile on her lips reassured me that this waking moment was as magical as any dream.

With eyes half-open, I couldn't help but marvel at the sight before me. Her tousled hair, kissed by the morning light, glowed like a halo, framing her serene face. In the tender morning glow, her features seemed even more enchanting, as if the world itself had conspired to make this waking scene a masterpiece.

As I shifted slightly, she stirred, her sleepy eyes meeting mine, and a soft, contented smile spread across her face. It was as if she had been waiting for this moment too, just as eager as I was to start a new day together.

"Good morning." she greeted me as she tightens her hug and kiss me on my forehead.

She really is sweet.

"What time do you need to be in the store?" She asked me with her husky bedroom voice.

I copied what she did and tightens my hold on her.

"At 9 AM." I said plainly.

I heard her humming before speaking.

"Sleep some more then, it's still early."

And with that, I dozed off again in her arms.

The next time I woke up, Brittany was nowhere to be found. A wave of panic hits me in the gut.

I stood up from the bed completely unaware that I am still on my pyjama and made my way downstairs.

A couple of maids greeted me as I approach the living room, one of them pointing to the kitchen, probably reading in my eyes that I was looking for Brittany.

And there she was with one maid on her side. She has her back on me and was able to watch her for a minute.

Because she still wore her oversize shirt and no shorts, when she tried to reach the upper cupboard, her shirt lifted, revealing almost half her bottom and her perfect legs.

I felt my blood rushing to my cheeks on the sight and it got worst when she turned around and saw me.

"Oh hey, you weren't supposed to be here yet." She said smiling. 

When I did not respond, she followed where my eyes were looking. I didn't know that my eyes were still glued to her legs that she had to clear her throat to pull me out of my trance and made me back to my senses.

The maid beside her gave me a meaningful look and smiled mischievously.

That didn't help at all, ma'am.

"I- I thought... Well, I was just... looking for you." 

Yeah, stutter, that will hep your case. I scolded myself.

"I'm sorry I left you alone, I just want to prepare breakfast before you go to work." Brittany seems unbothered by my staring or probably was just good at hiding considering we are not alone.

"But since you are here now, just wait there in the dining room, I'll join you in a minute." She continued.

"Umm, maybe I should get dress first..."

"Nonsense..." She cuts me off and waved her hand. " You look just perfect." 

As if I'm not blushing already, her compliment made it worst, I'm sure I look like a walking tomato.

Brittany held me on my waist from my behind and guided me to sit in the dining table.

"Just wait here, okay?"

I nodded at her and patiently waited for her return.

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