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Jo's P.O.V.

Ignoring Brittany was a difficult task.

She's always there, I mean, everywhere I go, she's there.

In the morning, she'll pick me up to school, lunchtime, after school and practice, she'll bring me to work, and pick me up again, drop me off at home.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I love how she's always present. It's making me feel like I'm more important than Hailey and her girls sometimes.

Especially these following days after she confessed who Hailey was.

She invited me almost every day to spend the night at her house but I always declined it.

I wanted to, so badly, but my goal was to divert these feelings growing in me.

I cannot love her. I mean, I do but I have to forget these feelings I  have for her.

After high school, I'm going away and I will never come back. That was my plan before Brittany entered my life and that is still my plan today.

Is it?


Loving Brittany is dangerous and complicated.

She was this elite girl that literally everybody in this town looked up to because of their money and connection.

And who am I?

The daughter of a drunk and an addict.

Hailey, she is the one suited for her.

I know and I could feel that Hailey wants her back. The way she was looking at her at school, even from a distance, it's how I look at Brittany too.

I have seen them also in between classes with her girls.

Hailey would hold Brittany's hand and she would let her. She would even walk Hailey to her classroom, yeah, her girls were there too, but still.

I wonder what they do after school whenever I decline her invitation.

Thinking about that formed a knot in the pit of my stomach and a huge fist seemed to tug my chest.

I didn't want to confront her about that. For me, I have no right. This is all just an agreement.

Also, she's acting different now when it comes to Rachel. She never goes to her now whenever Rachel is close to me during practice or even when we will pass her by the hallways. It's like, she's not jealous anymore.

Maybe because of Hailey.


It's Saturday today and I told Brittany that I am busy today. I lied because I wanted to distance myself from her till it was still early.

"What are you daydreaming about there, Josephine?" I was startled to hear Jordan, my manager yelling at me. I was at the counter and there was not many people eating at this time.

"No-Nothing, Ma'am." I turned my back and fixed the paper cups in its dispenser. Kevin took a day off today and I'm alone manning the counter.

It's the end of my shift, usually, I'll be excited knowing Brittany will be outside waiting for me, but today, I told her not to.

I checked my phone and saw I had messages from her and one from Reese.

I opened Brittany's first.

Hey, will be going out. Call me when you can.

Can you really not come to my place after your shift?

Hi, Babe. Nothing, I was just thinking of you.

Is your shift not done yet?

Call me when you can.

Instead of texting back, I dialed her number. It took a couple of rings before she answered.

"Jo!" Brittany on the other line, she sounded excited. "I'm so glad you called, did you just finish your shift?"

"Yeah, I saw your messages so I thought of calling you. Where are you?" The background was a bit loud, like she was in the restaurant or the mall.

"Oh, sorry about the noise. I'm at the mall."

Who's that babe? If I'm not mistaken, it was Hailey's voice in the background.

"I see. Okay, I just called to umm, yeah. I'll see you at school."

I didn't wait for Brittany to answer and I hung up the phone.

She was with her.

Her inviting me to her place was just for a show. 

I left the store with a heavy heart, my eyes grew hot as the evening wind brushed my face.

I found myself walking all the way to Reese's house.

As I pressed the doorbell, I silently prayed that she was home. I should've called before coming here but my broken heart made it impossible for me to think of anything else other than Brittany.

They are probably holding hands as they visit each boutique in the mall.

"Hey. You okay, Jo?" 

Thank god, she's here.

 I went inside and walked straight to her bedroom.

"Jo, what happened?"

As soon as Reese closed her bedroom door, the tears I'd been trying to fight, burst. The silent cry turned into loud sobs.

"Oh my god, Josephine! What happened? Why are you crying?" 

Reese kneeled on the floor as I sat on the corner of her bed with my hands covering my face as I cried my heart out.

"I screwed up, Reese. I'm so stupid! So stupid!" 

"Oh, come here." Reese sat beside me and pulled me in for a hug. Her arms wrapped around me, tapping my arm gently, trying to console me.

But the moment I felt her warmth, it was the moment I gave in. 

Everything I had been feeling was poured out, the pain I'd been hiding, the jealousy I was trying not to feel, everything.

And I was so grateful to Reese that she stopped asking questions but just held me. Whispering everything is gonna be okay even if she doesn't know if it really will.

"I'm sorry... I just...."

"Shhhh, it's fine. I'm here, okay?" 

I have no idea how much time has passed. 

When I felt I had nothing to cry on, I fixed myself and took the tissues Reese offered.

"How do you feel?" Reese asked, worries written across her eyes.

I sniffled before answering her.

"I- I'm in love with her, Reese. And I don't know how to stop it."


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Thank youuuu for always supporting my work, I'm reading all your comments and I love how invested you are in the story :)

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