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'A letter.'

She looked at it, fiddling idly.
What was it about?

Y/n had woken up that morning with a letter besides her bed, a blue feather resting on its surface. She knew who it was from, obviously.

The thing drove her crazy. Altare talked to her after all these months, and she'd get to see what he wanted.

Sighing heavily, the blacksmith opened the envelope and unfolded the paper, her e/c eyes widening.

I know I haven't talked to you for so long. Forgive me, but Tempus is a handful, you know?

If you havent guessed yet, this is Altare. I'm writing this letter to ask if you'll do something for me.

I know, I know! A little selfish. You can scream at me later.

Since you used to be a maid and everything, I'd like to ask if you're looking for a job, or a better place to stay.

You see, since we're absent all the time, keeping our Headquarters clean has been the greatest pain.
You're talented when it comes to keeping everything in tip top shape, y/n. I should know.

Reading that made her heard flutter for a moment. But she was always weak to compliments.

So....I'd like to know if you want to take on this job. I'll pay you and everything, don't worry! And we can both be closer this way.

Yes, you're going to have to move in to our Headquarters. I hope you're fine with that.
We're all boys, yknow.

If you want to, pick up the feather and blow on it three times.
If not, burn it. Okay?

Your best friend who really wants to see you again,

Regis Altare

She sighed again and put the letter down. A job? As a maid? It was true, she was no stranger to cleaning and all of that, but it was a short occupation before she had taken on blacksmithing.

Altare did sound desperate in his letter, anyhow.

She looked at the shining blue feather that seemed to twinkle in the sunlight.

I want to be closer to Altare.
I want to have friends and allies, and I need to be more social.

That's what her parents said. They were also asking her about marriage often. But she wasn't interested in all of that, not at her young age.

Stretching earnestly, y/n stood up and ran her fingers through her long/short hair. 'Morning.' She muttered to herself.

It would be nice to have someone to say it to, though.
Living by herself was boring.

Y/n slapped her cheeks. 'Now you're really looking for excuses just to go there!' She groaned.

Her eyes settled on the feather again. She scoffed. 'Altare, you better have a good apology ready for me.' She muttered, picking the feather up.

Her mouth twisted into a 'o' as she hesitantly brought the shining feather to her lips.
Was she really about to do this? And so soon after she noticed the letter?

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