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'I wouldn't open that if I were you.'

Her heart almost jumping out of her chest, Y/n turned to see Flayon leaning on the wall.
'You almost gave me a heart attack.' She said bluntly, but walked over to him.

'Why wouldn't I go in there?' She asked as they began to walk, Flayon leading her to god knows where.

'It's Hakka. Have you seen him? Purple hair...feathers...a weird purple arm..' Flayon listed.
'Yes, I've seen him. Answer my question.'

'He's doing an exorcism.' Flayon said. 'The last time I walked in on him, when he was doing an exorcism..sheesh. you don't wanna go in there.'

'Oh, so he gets rid of...spirits?' Y/n asked.

'Mm hmm. Why don't we go meet Shinri? Or Bettel, instead? You can talk to the others later.'

'I've already met Bettel, haha.. ' Y/n looked bashfully to the side. 'I don't think I've made a good impression.'

The two walked into an outside area with many targets on the wall, and arrows scattered on the floor and on the targets.

'He has the worst luck. Don't sweat it, okay?' Flayon looked back at her with a smile.

Y/n smiled back, before looking around curiously. 'Who are we going to meet first?'

'Shinri!' Flayon howled, catching her off guard. 'Where are you!'

Y/n was about to ask him why he yelled before an arrow almost caught her h/c hair, the wind rushing through her face as it whizzed past, hitting a target bullseye.

She stepped back in temporary shock.
Her e/c hues snapping to where the arrow had come from, a muscled man with black hair and a loose yellow jacket, with a neutral expression came walking towards them.

He blinked at seeing her stare at him, still dazed.

'My name is Shinri. Josuiji Shinri.' He bowed slightly.

'I...My name is y/n l/n...' she drew a strand of her hair behind her ear.

'Wow! What an awwweesome introduction!' Flayon grinned.

'Don't shout when you're outside, please.' Shinri told him, standing up straight again. 'It was very unsettling.'

Flayon snickered. 'Now that you two have met, let's go, y/n! I'm pretty sure Axel and Vesper are in the library.'
He grabbed y/n's hand and we walked back inside.
She waved to Shinri with a nervous smile.

He's so calm...and that arrow precision!
Wait. I could've died right there.

She didn't have time to wallow in her thoughts, As they were already infront of the library.

It was massive open room with books galore, some in large piles, some on the shelves. It was dimly lit by the light from the entrance and some candles placed carefully on shelves.

'This is so wonderful..' she murmured. I can get lost in here for days..

She noticed someone sitting in a chair, his grey hair and glasses familiar to her.

'Vesper! Hey, hey, Vesper!' Flayon held her hand and led her to the man who looked up from the book he was reading with a sigh.

'Flayon?-' the man started, but noticed Y/n standing there with an awkward smile.

'Hello. My name is Y/n L/n.' She said, hoping she sounded confident.

The scholar's face softened. 'I'm Noir Vesper. It's a pleasure to meet you.' He said.

Y/n zoned out while Flayon talked happily to Vesper. He had pale purple eyes and long grayish-white hair, and he had teeth.

Teeth like a vampire.

'I'll be living here, but for a job mostly.' She said with a smile.

'Really? It'll be nice to have some fresh air around here.'

'Oi oi oi!-OW!'

They all looked to a pile of books where a blonde with red-tipped hair was laying on. He growled some words to himself as he stood up, brushing his jacket.

The trio watched him as he made his way over to them, puffing his chest out proudly.

'I am Axel Serios. Chief of Human Resources for Tempus, reknown gladiator, and doctor.'

'Doctor?' Y/n hummed. 'You seem really talented.'

'He isn't a doctor. Not unless you want your guts slashed into pieces.' Flayon said.

'Hey! Doctors get rid of problems, don't they? Don't I fit that category?' Axel raised an eyebrow with an annoyed expression.

'Aha..' y/n laughed as she scratched the back of her head. Axel grinned and began to talk again to her.

'Whats your name?'

'Y/n L/n. I'll be living here, but mostly for a job.' She replied swiftly.

She felt a bit awkward with his sharp blue eyes on her, so she decided to ask a question.
'So, where are you from? I recognise an accent like yours from somewhere.'

'Northen Elysium!' Axel boasted. 'It's an awesome place. Just like me.'

Vesper's eyebrow twitched. 'You messed up all those books.' He pointed out with a sigh.

'Oh! Huh?' Axel looked back at the mess he created, then turned back with an apologetic grin. 'Didn't see it. Where do they go again...?'

As Vesper began to lecture the self-proclaimed doctor, Flayon took Y/n's hand and left. She didn't oppose.

'Where to, now?' She asked, tilting her head.

'You've already met leader right? Hm..' Flayon bobbed his head in thought. 'I still haven't shown you the R-Trus, but you must be really tired, right?'

Y/n hummed softly.
'I guess unpacking all of that took a lot out of me. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?' She said with a yawn.

Flayon nodded and yawned as well. 'I guess I will...'

Y/n walked back upstairs to where her room was supposed to be. The room, where the exorcist was, wasn't making any noise, but she made sure to steer clear of it nonetheless.

Opening her door, she smiled to herself. Everyone is so friendly. I haven't seen Altare all day, though. Is he really this busy?

She sat on her bed, feeling her long/short hair with her fingers. It was unkempt, but she figured she'd get to cleaning herself tomorrow.

I'm starting to think life's taken a turn for the best.


about 1023 words.

i can't believe this why are yall reading??
   -hungry author

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