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You woke up to a strange noise, eyes wide.
What was that? Was someone knocking on the door and I didn't notice?

With a yawn, you opened your door. It was mysteriously eerie outside, the cold wind in the hallways making you shiver.

Nobody else is here...
Unsure of whether everyone had returned, you knocked on Hakka's door with h/c strands of hear messily clinging to your head.

No reply.

You headed downstairs. The lights were on already which added to the uneasy feeling in your stomach.

'Hello?' You made your way to the door hesitantly.

The person who was supposedly behind the door did not reply.
Suddenly, you turned around.

The window was open and shards of glass were scattered on the floor.

Well, that isn't good.

You looked for a close item next to you, which was thankfully a knife. Clutching it tightly, you moved closer to the newfound stains of purplish blood that led away from the window.

'I'm not scared.' You say. 'Who am I kidding, this is probably some mindless creature. They can't understand me..'

Feeling your fingers tighten on the handle of your knife made you all the more nervous.
'Hello..' you muttered, peering around the corner. The blood trail carried on.
Frustrated, you sped up and stopped at a pool of blood. Ew, it's purple...

You felt something warm on your arm.
Turning your head, you almost dropped your knife.

A purple creature shaped like a racoon of sorts latched onto your arm.
It's biting me...

Hold on, it's biting me!

You swung the knife and stabbed the creature, causing it to let go with a growl and fall on the floor. You clutched your arm as it bled heavily.

Why am I bleeding?! You tried to tighten the pressure on the wound.

The creature struggled on the floor, froth at its mouth as it stared at you with a feral glint in its eye.

Suddenly feeling the pain in your arm grow numb, you clutched the knife tightly and dug it deep into the creature, pulling it put and plunging it in again.

You stopped stabbing when it stopped moving. 'Is it dead..?' You mutter to yourself, standing up and looking at your hands that were stained with a sticky purple liquid.
The creature was basically unidentifiable. Maybe I'd feel guilty. If it never violently ripped my arm.

The unbearable feeling in your gash returned.

'I need a bandage..' Limping to the counter, you found yourself grabbing some tissues and pressing them on the wound, almost kicking the table with the pain that followed.

The tissues were stained red. Why am I bleeding anyway?

Either it's just me, or it doesn't hurt that much..now....
You figured that it was just the adrenaline.

Leaning against the wall, you looked at your arm. There's supposed to be a glitchy thing there instead of blood, that's what Magni said, right?

However, you couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. Oh, so I'm just dying.

With nothing you could do, all that you managed to hold was the knife in your hand incase anything else broke in.
Then you realised.

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