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[100+ reads! I'm gonna die of happiness now]

'Your room is a hazard in itself.'

You sighed heavily as you spun in the chair, Magni sitting at a table.

'Y/n, you came in here of your own free volition. What was the reason again...? Oh, those headaches.' Magni poured a strange chemical into a flask, causing green smoke to explode out of it, but he didn't seem to mind.

You looked down. 'I'd go to a real doctor, but they don't seem to know anything...so I'm really hoping you have an answer for it.'

Magni shook the flask and inspected it throughly, shaking it again a tiny bit. The slightly yellow-ish liquid made you pray that he wasn't planning on making you drink it.

'You're lucky I'm even letting you in here. Do you know what I do for a living?' The alchemist said darkly before groaning and putting the chemical on the table. 'If you end up breathing in some chemical that turns you into a frog, don't blame me.'

'Oh, right, you're an alchemist.' You said, sitting beside him and looking into the liquid curiously. 'I mean, what do people even ask you to do?'

'The usual. Love potions, curing sickness, maybe a couple bombs if I'm feeling nice about it.'

You nodded slowly as you reached under the table, pulling out a jar which seemingly had a
..yep, going back under the table.

'That's just like a wizard! Are you a wizard, Magni?' You smirked, trying to distract yourself from what you had just seen.

He didn't answer. Just carried on mixing the liquids.

With a pout, you get up. 'I'm going to find Altare. Tell me when you're done.' You said, turning around.


'Huh?' A strange cold feeling went down your arm.
You looked back and saw a sizzling green liquid drip off your hand, and you stared at it for a moment.

Magni had a look of shock on his face. 'How are you not..like.. screaming in terror?' He stared at the acid that dripped off and burned on the floor.
'And your arm..' He started to look at it closely, avoiding to touch the liquid.

You picked up a tissue and bluntly set it on the liquid, but it burned at contact.
'Huh...? Wait, are you saying this is supposed to hurt me?'

'It's one of the most corrosive acids I've made! Your arm is supposed to be mush!'

Then how am I...
You look at your arm, but Magni was staring at it. His face turned from shock to worry, but not about you.

There's nothing wrong with it, though!

'I'll go wash this off with water, if that'll work.' You offered, and Magni was broken out of his trance.

'You go do that. I have more pressing matters to attend to.' He said briskly before leaving the room.
You follow him before entering the bathroom, switching on a tap.

Why are all these weird things happening to me?

A shiver goes through your body as you put your arm under the cold water. The acid pours off, but it corrodes the bottom of the sink, making you rethink your choice to wash it here.

Does it just not affect humans or anything? Or maybe I'm just immune.

When you're done, you put on your f/c [favourite colour] bandage and tie it carefully around your arm, thinking about some unknown damage being done.

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