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'So...when do we talk to him?'

Magni sighed. 'You look like we're hiding a body, for starters.' He rolled his eyes.

You glared at him, anxiousness dripping off your body language in waves.
'I-I can't help it..' you looked away sadly. 'If he did know something, and didn't tell me, how would I think of him then?'

'He is your best friend, isn't he?' Magni mumbled, inspecting his fingers boredly. 'I'm sure you'll understand.'

'You don't look bothered at all. Its like nothing affects you.' You grumbled, glaring at him again. 'You still haven't changed since I met you.'

'That wasn't even that long ago..' He muttered in a lower tone, but a smile appeared on his face.

Altare finally came up the stairs, bright bluish-green eyes glowing in curiosity. His movements sort-of apprehensive. 'Hey.' He said.

'Don't Hey me.' Magni looked very bothered by that. 'It's a horrible way to start a conversation.'

You looked away as he approaches you and Magni. 'You wanted to talk to me, right?'

The alchemist nodded. 'Yes. If you will.' He sighed, opening the door to his room.
You followed the two in there, leaning against the wall.

'So is this thing that you needed to talk to me about important, Magni?' Altare asked in his soft voice, but you could tell there was something behind it.

'Actually.' The Alchemist made eye contact with you for a second, and you nodded slightly. 'It really is.'

'And this is about...?' The founder tilted his head.

'Okay!' Magni had enough of the silence and tension, it seemed. 'I'm just going to say this out loud. Do you know what's happening to Y/n?!'

Altare blinked. 'Y/n..? What's happening to her?' The tone in his voice suddenly changed, and it unsettled you how different it was to his usual voice.

You were about to talk, but Magni interrupted you. 'Everyone's forgetting her, she can't be physically injured, her body is..uh..glitching!' He listed quickly.

I guess he really hates tension.

Altare blinked slowly, taking the information in, before his face turned into one of worry. 'Wait, really? ..happen...later...'
you didn't hear the last words he said, but he was very agitated now.

'When did it start?' Altare asked.

'Ever since I came..' you said softly. 'My own mom doesn't remember me..'

You looked up to him with pleading e/c eyes. 'Altare, do you know anything about this?'

He goes silent and looks away.
'You'd better tell the truth.' Magni said lowly.

'Fine. I've actually been warned about it.' Altare said, and your heart plummeted. 'I don't know how to fix it in all honesty. I just thought...if I defeated the corruption creatures, that you'd be cured.'

'Who told you that?' You asked, slightly frustrated. You shook your head to try and control your emotions. 'Nevermind...just tell us all you know about the glitch.'

He sighed and his hand rested on his gun-saber. 'I won't go into detail, but the first time this happened, it was a week after I left to find more people to join Tempus.' He said.

Altare lowered his gaze. 'It was a picture of you and me, and when the...glitch...was over, it was just me in that frame.'

It was that long ago?

'When did you decide you were gonna share this with me?' You asked, e/c gaze filled with hurt. 'The fact I might be dying?'

'I...Y/n...' He seemed at a loss for words and guilt filled his gaze.

'Just...nevermind. I can't..' You finally feel the terror creeping into your skin. 'Is there no way to stop this? I'm just...subjected to death? Is that it?'

'No, there might be another way to stop it! Don't give up hope, Y/n!' Magni's attempt at reassuring you was unsurprisingly futile.

'There is a way.' Altare said. You and Magni both looked at him, expecting an answer.

'They...no. I have to accept the fact that you'll have to go.' His voice was soft, but it was echoing in your head.

You frowned, brushing your h/c hair out of your face.

'How does that even work?' Magni asked the obvious question.
Altare looked visibly uncomfortable after realising what he said, shaking his head.

'There are much more things you won't understand. And we still need to deal with the beasts outside Elysium, remember?'

You didn't reply.
'Yeah, sure. I'll be in my lab, as usual.'

Altare nodded and you both left the Alchemist's room.

'I can't speak to you right now.' You took in a big breath. 'Is that okay?'

He nodded, and you hoped he understood. This is a little too much for me, for once. I think I need time to think about it by myself.

You still felt a little guilty as you watched him head downstairs, and you walked to your room.

With a sigh, you opened your door. It was cold and you felt too tired to close your window.

What does he mean, he needs to "accept" it? Accept what?

The thoughts ate at you like insect bites. You picked at a strand of your h/c hair, irritated. I can't sleep like this. Not when there are so much unanswered questions..

You felt like you were staring at the ceiling for hours on end.

...I still can't sleep.

A knock on your door releases you from your agitated thoughts. Rubbing your tired e/c eyes, you walked over and opened it slightly.

'Oh. Bettel?' You tilted your head tiredly.

'Yep! That's me!' He said, energetic as ever.
'Mmhmm..' you rubbed your eyes again. The tiredness was getting to you.

'Y/n, I know I'm a pain for waking you up in the middle of the night 'n all, but Altare wanted me to tell you that we're all leaving to the outskirts of the city.'

'I wasn't sleeping, don't worry.' You reassure him. 'And at this hour..?' Still, his figure was hazy because of the light you weren't used to.

'Yep! We all made a plan to crush those creatures!' He clasped his hands together, making a *smack* noise for effect. 'Are you alright with being left alone, even though its still kind of dangerous?'

'I'm not a child. And I'll be able to handle myself.' You say, closing the door as he waved goodbye enthusiastically.


Snuggling into the comforts of your bed again, you wondered if Altare was doing this all for your sake. Postponing his adventuring to fight monsters all to save you.

The rest of them too, yet I doubt they think I'm involved in it.

...no point thinking.
...just sleep.

With eyes closing slowly, you surrendered yourself to a blanket of darkness.


WORDS: 1133

Not unmotivated, just exhausted. School has been hell lately but that won't stop me from uploading >:3

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