Easter Special!! (day late)

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Y/n pouted. 'Only for a minute. Only for research.' She insisted.

Flayon was completely red. 'No, I won't put it on.'

'I...I sowed it myself...you're just gonna let it waste away?'

'It won't fit me.'

'It's child-sized, I promise.'

'T-That isn't the point!' He snapped.

That day, she were with Flayon, as the rest of Tempus had gone to deal with the...incident.

During this, her hands had gotten to work, and she ended up with a rabbit onesie. It was made for this. After all, it was Easter, right?

'Nobody else will see you except for me.' She reassured.
'That isn't a good reason for me to embarass myself by putting it on!'

'Weren't you a blacksmith, Y/n? What if you accidently dropped a sword in there?!' He stammered.

'Now you're just making up excuses. Come on.' She grabbed his tail, causing a shiver to go through his entire body.

'No! Please! Mercy!' He cried.

She ignored him and set him on a chair.
'Here's the deal, Machina X Flayon.'

Saying his full name would intimidate him. Y/n had a plan.

'Put on this onesie, even if it's for a minute, and I'll make you whatever you want. Sword, food, a whole set of armour if I have to.'

'Food..huh?' He looked away.

Seeing him in deep thought like that made her question what his priorities were.
It was very concerning.

'Even if it's only for a minute.' He said. She nodded in conformation.

He sighed in defeat. 'Fine. But you need to buy me those energy drinks Altare won't let me have.'

'Let me get this straight. You want me to smuggle energy drinks for you?!'

He nodded in complete seriousness. 'How else am I supposed to stay awake all day?'

'But your teeth will get rotten! Those things are that potent!'

'Bup-bup-bup, Y/n. You said, anything. Deal or not?'

Suddenly, she felt like the one being threatened.
How? Its just a bunny onesie...

'Okay. But I'll only bring one per week.' She crossed her arms.

'Pass the onesie. This will be the sight of a lifetime.' He said, snatching it out of her arms and leaving.

Y/n sat there, staring outside for a while until he came back.

'H-holy.' She went red. 'It isn't even colourful, but you look so- so adorable!!!'

Flayon inspected himself. 'How does this fit me so well?' He muttered in thought.

You went to him and ruffled his hair. 'You little gremlin, you.'

His face turned a colourful shade of pink. 'You will not tell a single soul about this!'

'Okay, okay. But it'll live rent- free in my head for the rest of my life, I promise.' She vowed.

'That isn't very reassuring!'

She talked with him for a while, and he eases into the onesie.

'I..' He yawned loudly. 'Suddenly, I feel really tired.'

'Go to bed then. No sleeping late tonight.' She ordered, instantly feeling like she was a mother.

'Okay, mom.' He snickers.

Y/n sighed and dragged him to his room, which was unsurprisingly damp and messy.
'Oh god, I need to clean this place up soon.' She muttered.

'Good night..' Flayon purred as he lay down on his bed.

He never even took off his onesie.
Should I tell him to before he makes a fool out of himself tomorrow?

She imagined him, standing there with a flustered expression in the bunny suit, trying to hide himself in sheer embarrassment.

'Nope! Don't need to.'


'Morning! Morning, morning!' Y/n beamed at Altare who stared at her suspiciously.

'You're in a...Good mood.' He said slowly.

She giggled, fiddling with her hair. 'Am I? Didn't notice! Isn't really that important though, is it?'

'Your positivity alone is killing me inside.' Bettel muttered. His head was on the table and he looked out of it.

'Whats up with him?' She whispered to Altare.
'Ignore it. Bad day. Now, what did you do, Y/n?'

Y/n clasped her hands together with a closed-eye smile that couldn't get wider. 'Just wait for it!!'

As the rest of the guild enters the room, she's practically bouncing in excitement and anticipation.

'Good morning!~'

Her face dropped.
'What? Where's the- you know-'

Flayon stood there in casual clothes, stretching and a yawn appearing on his face.
He sat down at the table with a painfully fake puzzled expression.

'Whats wrong Y/n?' He asked in a baby voice. 'Sad that your little plan didn't work?'

Her eye twitched. 'When did you notice?!'

'I used my expert mind-reading skills. It was sooo funny that you thought you could trick me.'

'You can't even read minds!'

However, the plan had failed.
I'll get him next time.


Words: 805

very pitiful

also the last chapter bugged and I didn't complete it so those who read it super super early plz double check 🙏

if you read that one when I've written a word count on it you read the complete version akskak

goood niiight (or morning, or afternoon, or evening)

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