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[trying y/n 2nd person if that makes sense]

Mention of Death

You looked into the mirror. Brushing your hair carefully, you winced as you finally met a tangle.

It's always so easy to get out sometimes, but something about it today just stings!!

With a frustrated sigh, you opened the window.
The serene atmosphere almost let you forget that a brush was tangled in your hair.

Spring in Elysium was always beautiful, but you'd never had a chance to appreciate it. Do the things that people normally do in Spring.

Your door knocked.
'Come in,' you said with a nervous voice, trying not to grimace as you eased the comb out of your hair.

Familiar blue-green eyes peeked in, followed by Regis Altare.
'Oh. It's you.' You said bluntly.

You noticed he looked much more different then when you last saw him.
Last time, he just had a plain old sword, a normal jacket and that was all he wore.
Now, he had a strange saber,that seemed to come out of a gun. It was equipped into a strap on his belt.

He also had much stranger equipment, like a chest-armour with strange markings glowing a bright blue.

He feigned hurt. 'Hey! I missed you too.' Stepping inside, Regis leaned against the wall with a pout on his face.

Feeling a tiny bit guilty, you shook your head. 'I'm just in a bad mood. How are you?'

'Don't ask about me, Y/n! I blanked you for like, two months! What's happened since then?'

The sheer worry in his voice made you urge to shrink back. 'Nothing. I've just been hearing about all your amazing travels..how you're heroes...yada yada.'

'Y/n, I don't really care about what everyone says. You should know that.' Regis pursed his lips. 'And there was another reason I invited you to live here.'

You tilted your head, beckoning him to tell you.

'Elysium. It isn't all that safe anymore.'


He squinted at me. 'I don't lie, Y/n. It isn't safe.'

'What do you mean, it isn't safe? There are crimes everyday. I know that.' You say. 'Unless you're hinting towards something else.'

'Have you heard of the Record Corruption?' Altare said. He sounded serious now.

'Record..corruption?' You didn't know about records, but you'd certainly known about corruption. 'I know that there are monsters running around, if that's what you mean.'

'Right. That's good enough.' He sighed. 'You know Xenokuni has been overrun by the stuff. The people, animals, even the tech they use in battle.'

'...go on.'

'Well, Hakka and a few other warriors were set on keeping it safe. For a while, they actually did. Now, Xenokuni has taken a bad turn, and nobody who lives there is safe anymore.'

'What about the people who defend it?' You asked, a worried tone in your voice.

'They're...they're all dead, Y/n. And the innocent people who live there are next.'

You didn't speak, feeling like a breath had been knocked out of you. Dead? As in murdered? The best warriors...

'So...so what do you plan on doing?' You asked shakily, still taking this in.

Altare closed his eyes. '...I don't know why, but I feel like it's my duty to get to the bottom of this.'

'Then why make me come here? I can take care of myself.' You said.

A silence occurred.
Record Corruption.
The words echoed in your head. It sounded so bizarre.

'Y/n.. ' Altare started.

He looked up/down at you.

'A̸̮͕̦͒l̵̨̛̥͉̘ṯ̵̫̒ͅa̶̘̺̜͛̈́̉̕r̷̙̉͌͑é̸̟͍̏́͝?̶̢̣̭͔̃͘ ̸̬͔͒̚'


'Altare?' You tilted your head. Suddenly, the expression on his face was scared, like something bad had happened.

Backing off, the Leader shook his head.

'N-nothing.' He said, looking away. 'I'll be gone for a bit.' He turned to leave.

You felt unsure as to stop him, but something urged you to call his name again.

He didn't listen. The door closed.
Or did he just not hear me? I didn't say it very loudly..

You sighed and stretched. 'I thought he'd be more happy to see me. And when did he get that sword?'

Shrugging, you decided to clean yourself up before going downstairs for some breakfast.



He was alone, in his room.

'A̸̮͕̦͒l̵̨̛̥͉̘ṯ̵̫̒ͅa̶̘̺̜͛̈́̉̕r̷̙̉͌͑é̸̟͍̏́͝?̶̢̣̭͔̃͘ ̸̬͔͒̚'

What was that? Why did everything sound so...static...at that moment?

It was just like last time.

A while ago, Altare had a vision of some sort.
Before meeting them.

He was in his room, everything was fine.
Then the room itself started glitching. Just like Y/n's words.

He looked at a picture of them, and it was him. By himself.
At the time, he didn't think anything of it.

However, when the glitching had stopped, he realised something was missing.
In the picture, he had his arm slung over Y/n's shoulder. They were smiling together.
Then it was gone.

It didn't ever go back to normal. The picture was with him right now. He was trying to find an answer, he even asked them.

'Why was she missing? Tell me, please..'

'That is something for you to find out, Hero.'

No. Memories that he had with her, times she made him laugh.
They were all becoming grey.

So do I ask Vesper if he can find a meaning behind this?
I can't.
What about Magni? He's always seemed to be knowing of the corruption.
He wouldn't tell me if I asked.

He had to stop himself from slamming his fist on the table in frustration. What did it all mean? Why did everything feel fake?

The record corruption.
How do I stop it?
How do I save her?

He looked around his room.
If I get rid of all of the corruption...Will it stop this?

Will I still be able to see her every morning?

Altare wasn't sure. He wasn't sure of anything nowadays.


951 words

be confused >:3 but I swear this'll make sense soon
       -hungry author

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