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(Not one for warnings but people swear a few times)

It had been a few days since you'd moved in with Tempus.

In that short time, you'd noticed that they didn't stay in one place for long.

'They're really busy.' You said to Bettel as the two of you were cleaning up his room.

'What do you expect? We're adventurers.' He said with a smirk. Phantom was on his shoulder as he picked up some items off the floor of his room. 'I don't have a lot to do nowadays, though.'

'Bettel? You have a specific role too, right?' You asked, wiping his window and peering outside. The sky was grey today and you could tell that rain was coming from the damp feeling in the air.

The jester sat on his bed and put Phantom on his lap with a smile. 'I'm trying to take my performing skills to the next level. It's how I met Tempus, actually.'

You nod. 'Go on.'

'I visit lots of different places and try to learn about their tradition, acts, everything I can. I just happened to see Flayon, Hakka and Shinri on the way.'

'At Xenokuni?' You recalled Flayon telling you about this. Bettel nodded.

'One day, I'd like to perform all around the world. It's a big dream, but anything is possible, right?'

You smiled as you finished cleaning up his windows. 'Hey, any dream is possible when you're determined enough.'

The smile on his face from hearing that was very precious. It almost made you feel like it could drive away the dark grey clouds.

You talked for a while before you said bye and left his room, even having the courage to pet Phantom a little bit. The creature shied away from your touch, but it was progress! Right?

As you walked along the hallway, you noticed Altare and Magni talking next to the stairs. Magni had an agitated expression, and he was talking quietly, but from where you were, you couldn't hear him.

You stopped to see Altare reply with a slightly annoyed voice. He wasn't looking at the Alchemist.

'Just know that if it happens, I'm not letting you jeopardise our lives.' Magni said loudly before leaving. You followed him as Altare sighed while looking down.

'What are you two going on about?' You asked, catching up to him. He had a weird look in his eye as he noticed you, but he hid it quickly.

'It isn't anything of concern to you.' He huffed. 'Altare is just being difficult.'

'About...what?' You went on. 'I'm just a little curious..'

Magni seemed to think before answering you. His gaze softened. 'The Corruption Beasts, They're heading to Elysium.'

You took a minute to take in this information.
'How many are there? The only thing I've seen close to a corruption beast is Phantom, and he isn't all that intimidating.'

Magni raised an eyebrow and you pouted. 'Hey, I'm not an adventurer!'

'Fiiine.' He said. 'There are countless. They multiply like bacteria depending on the chaos they bring. Its gotten worse lately.' He said as you both turned a corner.

'Some are big and hostile, and some are...relatively harmless like Phantom.'

'So what are you gonna do about these things?' You asked.

He stopped at his room. The look on his face was like he wanted to tell you something, but he looked away with a smirk.
'That's classified, sweetheart.' He said as he closed his door.

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