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(Just watched the first episode of Oshi No Ko. Understandably, I am now sad. And feeling betrayed. Even though I read the manga prior)

'Phew. I think that's everyone.'

Altare and Shinri watched the last few residents of Elysium's outskirts begin to move.
Of course, they had failed to convince other people that there was danger close. They weren't that influential after all, then.

'Alright, should we go back, then? And make a plan for that?' He gestured at the purple mob of creatures outside the wall, making strange unidentifiable noises.

Shinri nodded. 'I feel as if, even if we try to deal with them using brute force, we won't be able to stop them all.' He said, lowering his eyes. 'I will try my best to assist you, though.'

Altare nodded. Shinri really was someone he valued a lot, ever since he joined HQ, he appreciated the ronin's wisdom.

'We can leave now.' He said, sheathing his gun-saber. 'Everyone is probably waiting for us.'

Shinri nodded, walking back with he leader.
'Oh, and Shinri?' Altare asked.

The Ronin tilted his head. 'Whats up?'

'Thank you.'


Your eyes lit up as soon as you saw your friend enter the building, but Altare looked tired.
'Altare,' you said with a smile. 'How did it go?'

'Not good.' He shook his head. 'I won't give up, though. Where is Magni?'

You looked at Shinri who took off his wet jacket.
'He went outside to deal with the scared people outside. I mean, they're all in grave danger..' you said sadly. 'I can't imagine how panicked they are.'

'And you?' Altare asked with a concerned tone. 'I haven't seen you react to this and it's pretty concerning.'

Your e/c hues lit up. 'No, don't worry about me. There is something I need to talk to you about when Magni comes back, though.'

Altare gave you a puzzled look before walking upstairs. He probably needs sleep after being out for that long..

You tapped your hand on the table. 'Shinri, is there anything you'd like me to make you?' You asked worriedly.

Shinri shook his head. 'You should probably get some sleep. I'm something of a cook myself.'

You picked at a strand of your H/c hair. 'If you say so..'

It was a while before you managed to find the energy to walk up to your room. The day had been tiring and your legs felt like they'd break at the slightest stretch.

I still need a straight answer, and Altare probably has it.
Come to think of it, he's been really worried about me.

'Okay, I need sleep.' You whisper to yourself, sitting on your bed.
You look outside.
The rain was lighter and you could see a faint light illuminating your room.

There were people outside with bags and personal items with worried expressions.
Are they the people evacuating the cities outskirts?

You saw some of them talking, and opened the window a tiny bit to hear what they were saying.

'Whats happening? I thought Elysium was safe from those creatures..'
'Yeah, and who told you that? Those self-proclaimed heroes spreading lies about your well-being?'

You grimace. Hearing this, despite Tempus trying their best to take care of this hopeless situation, made you slightly agitated.
I get where they're coming from, though.

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