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Not me chilling then realising its Hakka's birthday. *sigh* *begins tapping screen*

'One more..I hear footsteps.' You stared at the door and Hakka got ready to throw his spear again.

Suddenly, a person with white hair peeked in. 'W-woah! Stand down!'

You squinted and realised that it was Bettel who had his hands raised.
Hakka lowered his spear. 'Okay, and where is everyone else?'

'Oh, them? I actually have no idea.' Bettel walked inside with a sigh. 'In the chaos, I was told to go after you, and I figured you'd be coming here to check on Y/n..'

He takes a good look at you and your bandaged arm. 'Holy shit! Are you- are you okay?! You're bleeding!'

You raised an eyebrow. 'I'm alive, that's good enough..right?'

You keep an eye on the door as Hakka and Bettel talk. '...they've infiltrated even further into Elysium?!'

Bettel pet a distressed Phantom on his shoulder. 'It's so bad. It's like that one time I got a rash on my back, and it got worse until it was big and ugl-'

'I've heard enough.' Hakka tilted his head. 'I'm gonna go to my room for a minute, okay? Keep an eye on Y/n.'

'..right...like I can do anything...' you muttered.

Hakka went upstairs and you ummd while Bettel rested his chin on the counter, setting Phantom infront of him. The little creature was shivering.

'Hey, don't be that scared. I know I basically murdered your kind infront of you, but it was for the greater good!' He pet Phantom tenderly.

Your e/c gaze rested on them with a confused expression on your face. 'You're sure it can understand you? And you can fight, Bettel? I didn't know that.'

'I atleast know how to go for the throat.' The jester replied, scratching Phantom's little head. 'But fighting isn't really my expertise.'

You nodded. I don't feel that sleepy anymore.

Suddenly, a low growl brought you back to reality. You immediately looked to Bettel, who nodded, pulling out a small knife.

A big shadow was seen creeping near the door. You shuffled away as Bettel got ready to strike at whatever was coming in.

'You know Y/n, we can just run and lock a door behind us. That sounds good, right? You'd like to do that, right?'

You raised an eyebrow as the shadow became bigger.

'We just have to wait if Hakka comes back if you can't do this.' You said slowly. Come on...don't start backing out now! My life is in your hands!

'Y/n. I don't think I can fight whatever that is.' He said. Both of you stared at the creature that had turned the corner,needing to crouch to come inside, with claws and teeth so sharp you could see them shine.

That thing is massive.

'Yep.' You shuffled to the edge of your seat as he grabbed your hand lightly, helping you up.

The creature tilted its head, red eyes all around its body, blinking and settling on the two of you before a low growl erupted from its throat.

'Hurry up, hurry up!' You hissed at Bettel, Phantom settling on your head as the two of you tried to get upstairs. 'Do you want to be ripped to pieces?!'

'I'm going!' He tried to pick up his pace, and you could barely keep up.

Meanwhile, the beast made its way towards you slowly. Its eyes were lifeless as claws scraped against the ground.

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