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TW: Pissing yourself in fear. I'm serious...

foreword: uhh idk what i was thinking when i wrote this but uhhhh piss

You had by now lost all sense of time.
It had been a while since you had been fed, though. The small, cloudy window at the top of the room indicated it was probably 5 pm. It was getting dark. You needed the bathroom, but you'd have to wait. Luckily, you saw the door open and the glow of the dim light upstairs shine through. Daniel walked down, looking scruffy. Had he seriously just woken up? He was naked apart from tight shorts. He ruffled his hair, groaning "I drank the pain away until I passed out on the couch..." Daniel sighed. He walked over to you, feeling your ankle "Owch, that looks painful... Look, I didn't mean anything I said last night, and it wasn't personal what I did to you..." His voice was apologetic and soft. He leaned into you, causing you to panic, and hit his face away. His expression immediately darkened. "No- Nonono I panicked! I PANICKED!" You panicked. You felt a puddle forming under you, Daniel's head darting down and him quickly getting up and stepping away "Did you just piss on my fucking foot?" He sounded seriously mad. "I'm sorry..." You sniffled, hiding your face. Daniel sighed angrily. He scooped you up, jolting a bit and walking upstairs. Yet, you didn't have a chance at escaping anymore. The guest bedroom was messy, but his hallway and kitchen weren't as bad. He opened the door to the downstairs bathroom, putting you down. The bathroom was messy. He might've been intending for you to use the upstairs when you visited. He propped you against the bathtub, holding you up "Got it?" He asked. You just nodded. "Hey, Y/N, look" He giggled. You turned your head to him, before being blasted in the face with cold water. You yelped, making Daniel laugh. "Awh, you should see your pathetic fucking face right now!" He calmed down, yet you were mad at him for that. "Alright, spread your legs" Daniel leaned over you, his crotch dangerously close to your face. Ew. He smelled musky. You spread your legs, though. He had turned the water temp up now, pointing it in between your legs. "I know, the pressure is too high, your face says it all.." He grabbed a shampoo bottle, putting it in between his thighs and opening it. He squirted the shampoo on your hair. "Alright, rub it in then wash it out" Daniel gave you the shower head. He walked out, leaving you.


Daniel made his way upstairs, going into his bedroom and navigating all the boxes and useless stuff scattered all over the floor. He kicked some stuff under the bed, then kicked some stuff out of the way of the cupboard. He opened it, looking through it for an outfit. He looked for a while, picking out an oversized slip-knot shirt and a small skirt his ex-girlfriend didn't wear to her grave in his backyard. He made his way downstairs, opening the bathroom door.


Daniel walked into the bathroom, getting blasted with water "FUCK!" Daniel quickly threw the dry clothes before they got wet, quickly retreating. You giggled, washing the shampoo out of your hair. Daniel growled, walking to you and snatching the shower head. "Thanks." Daniel scowled at you, spraying you back with water. You coughed, choking because you had your mouth open from laughing. "I'll get the last laugh!" Daniel said this playfully. He chuckled, running his hands through your hair. "Oh, you did such a good job!" He sounded genuinely proud of you, kissing your head and rubbing your back. You felt a sense of validation, which made you smile. Daniel turned off the shower, put it back into its stand, and picked you up. He set you onto the toilet seat, grabbing a towel and drying your hair "Okay, it was clever how you did your little water stunt but don't do it again." Daniel lightly slapped your face, starting to dry your legs and body with it. He wasn't all that gentle with your ankles though. Which, was kind of mean but it's Daniel, what do you expect? Daniel slipped the skirt on you, slipping off your boxers from under. "Arms up!" He held your arms up, grabbing the shirt and slipping it on you. He sighed "Just don't piss on me again." Daniel scooped you up, walking out and slipping on the water. He almost fell back, quickly kicking forward and gaining balance. He just sighed in relief, continuing to walk. He walked downstairs to the basement, putting you down against a wall. "D-Daniel..." You looked up at him. "Yes?" He asked. "Can I have something to eat..." You whimpered. Daniel sighed "Alright, but I'm going to bed after..." He walked upstairs. You crawled behind a few boxes and waited.

After a minute or two of waiting, Daniel came back. "Y/NNNN! I have food!" He smiled, looking about. "Y/N?... Baby?... Sweetheart?..." He sounded lost and hurt, immediately spiraling into a panic and starting to look about "Y/N!" He checked everywhere, breathing heavily and tearing up the room looking for you. "No... No, no, NO NO NO!" He shouted, taking the boxes away from where you were hiding and sighing "..." He stared at you for a few seconds. "... I'll deal with you in the morning..." Daniel sounded hurt, his ocean-blue eyes glossy. He put down a small bowl of blueberries and a granola bar, walking upstairs. You had genuinely hurt Daniel. Good job.

I promise I'll stop making you sad all the time

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