bonus <33333

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Daniel sighed, leaning back in his chair. He looked over at a tied up male, he was squirming. He put a joint in his mouth, leaning back. "Im sure you have great things to say about me, Giovanni, yeaaah... I wont take the tape off your mouth though..." He slumped down, whimpering. "You're very talkative..." He sat up, leaning to the side. "Compliment me, wont you?..." He put his head on the arm of his chair. "I'd be cuddling you to death for some form of consolidation but... But you're against gays so.." He sighed. "You dont like cannabis either, right?" He looked at Giovanni. "..." Daniel stood up, walking to the couch and sitting beside Giovannis head. "What do you like about me? Look at whatever you like about me. I need just some form of love.." He sighed. Giovanni looked away from him entirely. "There has to.. There has to be something you like about me?" He took the tape off Giovannis mouth. "Speak.." He leaned on his hand.  "Your weed." He looked up at Daniel "You think so? Here" He put the joint into Giovannis mouth, making him instinctively take a drag of it. Daniel took it back, Giovanni coughing up smoke. As he coughed, Daniel put his head on Giovannis torso, just beside his arm. "Why am i venting to you?" He took the tape and put it back on Giovannis mouth. He wrapped his arms around him and pulled Giovanni up, grunting as he did. "Why am i even doing this? What reason do i have?" He craned his neck over Giovanni's shoulder, looking at him with half-lidded, red eyes. Giovanni turned his head away, Daniels hand finding its way to his face and turning his head to look at him. Daniel picked up the joint, putting it in his mouth and taking a drag. He took it out his mouth, blowing the smoke into Giovanni's face and chuckling. Giovanni turned his head away, shaking a bit. As Daniels hand found its way to his face, he took the tape off of his mouth. Giovanni stared back at him. "Can i atleast get some more?" "Nah" Daniel chuckled, lying down. Giovanni stayed sat up. He looked at Daniel, flopping down backwards. "Alright.. I'll do it laterrr..." Daniel hugged a pillow, closing his eyes. "Do what??" Giovanni asked. No reply.

This was a little tiny bonus because ive had writers block

Quick update to include this, the foreshadowing though

Quick update to include this, the foreshadowing though

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