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You woke up in the basement. Wow. You looked about, sitting up. You looked about, deciding to snoop in a box as Daniel told you NOT to do. You opened a box sat down beside you woke up in the basement. Wow. You looked about, sitting up. "... Daniel?!" You called out. Daniel came down the basement stairs "Yyyessss?" He asked curiously. "... Can you do a trick with your bat? I'm bored." You lay on your side. Daniel picked up his bat. "Watch!" He spun the bat in his hand, smiling at you. You clapped, laughing. He put the bat down. "Okay, I'm hungry, what do you want for food." He asked. "... modern-" "No McDonald." He cut you off. "... chicken" "Mkay." Daniel went upstairs. You looked about, deciding to snoop in a box as Daniel told you NOT to do. You opened a box and sat down. looking in, there was a grey sweatshirt. It was cute... but weird...You shrugged it on and pulled out a hoodie, a white sweatshirt, and an orange onesie. You put the hoodie back into the box. Then you saw something that got you curious..... It was a green shirt. The words, 'green is my favorite color!' were written in purple ink. You took it off. A piece of paper fell from underneath. The word 'green is my favorite color' was written in bold blue ink. You looked through the pockets. There was a pen, a book, a wallet (which was empty), and a phone. You gasped, trying to turn on the phone. Dead. You groaned, hiding it under another box. When Daniel came back down with a plate of nice, hot chicken, he sighed. "Have you been snooping?" "No.." You sighed. "... You have." He said, holding your head. "C'mon, eat up."He handed you some chopsticks. You grabbed a piece of chicken, putting it in your mouth. He watched as you ate. Then he laughed. You looked up from your plate. "What's so funny?..." You looked confused. He smirked, picking up your plate and setting it on his lap. You pouted. "Daniel..." You sighed. "Sorry!" He laughed some more. You finished your food, thrusting the plate over. He took it, strolling upstairs.

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