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Daniel sat on the couch, arm around his date. Her name was Alice. A nice, fair-haired brunette with a lovely frame who had good taste in men. Alice sat, head on Daniel's shoulder. "Need anything to drink? I've already seen this movie so I'd deal with missing some parts." He looked at her. "Sure! I'll just have a glass of orange juice." She smiled. Daniel pecked her head, standing up and walking out. He walked to the kitchen, grabbed a cup, and went to the fridge. He took a carton of orange juice, poured it into the cup, and moved a vase over to reveal a small bottle of melatonin. He poured some into his hand, dumping the handful into the glass and putting the melatonin bottle back. He moved the vase into place, sitting the orange juice with his finger and wiping his hand after. Daniel picked the glass up, walked to the living room, and handed the glass to Alice. "Here" He smiled, sitting down. She smiled back, sipping it. About 5 minutes later, she put the glass down and leaned against him, shutting her eyes.

Daniel walked into the basement, dragging a small woman with him. "I got you a friend!" He smiled at you. You looked at her, scowling. Why was she here? You hated Daniel with your guts, but... You felt an overwhelming sense of hate for this new woman. Daniel dropped her beside you, chaining her to the radiator next to you. "Get attached, she'll be here for a while." He kissed your head, pulled your cheek, and headed upstairs. You glared at her, inspecting her. You pulled her clothes up, looked at her eyes, looked at everything. She was prettier than you. You felt an overwhelming sense of hatred, pushing her. Wait. You started to worry, was she replacing you? You looked at your not-so-pretty body. If he replaced you, he'd kill you! You looked about. Anywhere to make her leave? You looked at Daniels's baseball bat he'd left out. You helped yourself up, you couldn't stand well but you could. You smiled a bit, shuffling to the bat. "Oh yes..." You whispered, remembering how Daniel had done it. You turned away from the wall, taking your arm back with your other stretched to hold the bat, legs slightly apart. Your arms swung down, not enough force. You swung down harder. Enough force. Daniel probably did it better, stronger. Oh well. You shuffled to the woman, out cold. You swung the bat at her head, knocking her down. She was probably knocked out. You hit her neck more and more until you heard a loud crack, realizing what you'd done. What the hell have you done? Your hands released the bat, and you falling back and put your hands on your mouth. Were you like Daniel now? You couldn't believe it. All this time, you hated Daniel. But you both had the same nature. Kill what you hate. Daniel came down, having heard the drop. He gasped, running down the stairs and rushing over. "No... I'm so sorry Daniel..." You whispered, tears falling from your eyes. He looked up. "Did you kill her!?" He shouted. "IM SORRY! IM SO SO SORRY!" You burst into tears, crawling away and hiding in your hands. He smiled, getting up and walking to you. "You killed her..." He sat in front of you, caressing your cheek. "I knew you and me had something in common!" He yanked you over to him, kissing you deeply. You leaned into the kiss this time, wrapping your arms around him. It was like you loved him, wait. Did you seriously love him now!? You realized what you were doing. With a small squeak, you pulled away. You put your hands on Daniel's chest "No, no! I can't. It's wrong. I can't give in..." You turned away. "Do you think I'm a bad person?" He looked at you. "Y-Yes!" You blurted out quickly. He held your hands "Oh sweetheart... I'm not doing this out of cruelty..." He leaned into you, using a soft voice. "This is for you..." He pulled you into a cuddle. He kissed the side of your head and scooped you into his arms, hugging you. You felt so warm and loved, and tired... Daniel held you tightly, lying down. You cuddled into him, breathing in his scent. You relaxed your hands and neck, leaning back a bit and your eyes fluttering closed. Daniel's hands found their way into the back of your shirt, massaging you. You heard a blade flick out behind you. Fuck.

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