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Daniel sat at his kitchen counter, head in hand. He sniffed, starting to sob quietly. Why did he do this? He couldn't just let you leave. He didn't want to kill you either. You were perfect for him. He gave a sniffle, tears dripping onto the table below. The kitchen was dim, the ichor of sunlight leaking through the kitchen curtains ever so slowly. He slammed his head onto the table, starting to cry. Tears streamed down his cheeks and landed on the table. He looked at a large knife. He grabbed a roll of bandages with a pin in it from the counter. He rolled up his trouser leg, grabbed the knife, and bit his sweater sleeve. He put his leg up, digging the knife into the side of his leg. He dragged the knife right along it, causing a long cut. He started to do it more on his leg. He felt something hard, tears pouring down his cheeks. He hated the pain now. He had reached the bone. He pulled off his sweater, blood pouring onto the counter. He bandaged his leg, starting to lightly cut his chest. This felt so much better. He sighed, blood gently dripping down his more prominent chest. He shuddered, whimpering. He carved 'YOU <3' into his chest and gave a yelp. He dug the knife too deep. He dropped the knife, wrapping bandages around his chest and sighing. He stood, giving a yelp and limping to the counter. He picked up the knife, slid it into the sink, and wiped his eyes off hot tears.

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