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Flashback-ish chapter

This'll be quite a long one cuz I'm doing the 2005 and 2008 flashbacks all in one! You guys won't be bored while I'm not updating this one!

You knocked on Daniels's door, sniffling and hoping his mother wouldn't answer the door. You stood there in the rain, your eyes red and puffy. Daniel answered, you burst into tears and started to explain everything that happened. "My mom kicked me out because- because we got those tattoos from Scott and- and she found out! Can I please stay?.." You were scared and 15. Daniel just smiled, stepping to the side. You came in, wiping your eyes. "I'll go tell my mom, go upstairs, and at least get your coat off.." He walked to the living room. You made your way upstairs to his room, you know the layout of his house since you'd been friends since you were both 3. You took off your coat, hung it up, and sat on the bed. Soft and comfy. His room was neat, ignoring the multiple pill bottles for depression that were gradually getting stronger as you read the names, it was a nice, neat room. You almost felt bad for even stepping foot in it. The boy made such an effort and it was wonderful how much he tried every day. You picked up a bottle of Fluoxetine, inspecting it. It was empty. You started inspecting the pill bottles closer, realizing some of them were for schizophrenia, anxiety, and low iron. You put them down, shrugging them off and waiting for Daniel. You looked at the wall, seeing a Metal Gear Solid poster. Cool, his mom lets him play MGS? So cool! You wished your mum would let you do that. Daniel came walking in "She said you could stay for as long as you needed" He walked to you, hopping on the bed and smiling. "Your mom lets you play Metal Gear Solid?" You had a puzzled look on your face. "Oh yeah," He looked at the Xbox 360 on the table.

"Hey, I have an idea. Wanna play Metal Gear Solid 3?" He looked at you. "Do I!?" You laughed. He got up, walked to the Xbox, and turned it on. He grabbed the controller, walked back, and handed it to you. "I'll watch, you haven't played it so you can start a new save..." He sat next to you. You held the controller like it was godly, scrolling to MGS 3: Snake Eater and clicking it. You started a new save file under one titled 'Meth' and named yours 'Weed'. You started to play it through.

After a few hours, you realized you had money and paused "Daniel. Wanna go to scary ketchup clown place?" You referred to Daniel spray painting 'A SCARY KETCHUP CLOWN IS HERE' on a wall at the local McDonald's after hours. He giggled, nodding. "How much do you have?" "I have... Like, 20" You were very smitten with yourself. Daniel gasped "That's enough to get fries too!" "I know" You were super confident. "Okay okay, you can borrow my hoodie since your coat is still soaked... Cmon! Quick, since they're gonna close soon and my mom is asleep" Daniel got up, slipping on a zipper and putting on his shoes. You quickly went and grabbed the hoodie from his dressing table, a bit too big. You put on your shoes. You both finished getting ready and started to sneak out and downstairs. "Use the window" He whispered, you got downstairs and opened the window. You clambered through, almost falling. You were now waiting for Daniel. He climbed out a lot more gracefully than you and closed the window as he went. He hopped down. "Quick, let's run!" He smiled, starting to run. You ran after him. It was a race against the clock, an epic one! You ran for what seemed like miles, making it through and getting into the Mcdonald's.

Once you had gotten out of that grease palace, you walked to a street lamp where it wasn't soaked since a box had been sitting there. You took it away, sitting down with your food and Daniel joining you. You started to eat, Daniel following soon after. Once you'd both finished your food, you looked at Daniel. He looked back. You stared at him for a few seconds, before you leaned in. He leaned in back, sharing a loving kiss with you. He held the back of your head, his lips were soft. You were both boys, but you both didn't give a damn. You only cared for Daniel at the moment. You wouldn't go as far as sex, but you just had this feeling in you. This feeling. That someday, you'd both be together. The kiss continued, gradually getting deeper. He shuffled to you, wrapping his arms around you. Daniels's hand moved to the back of your head, he quite obviously shared the same feelings. You pulled away for air, wiping a bit of drool from your mouth. You gently panted, smiling. "Wow, Daniel.. Have you done this before?" You were genuinely curious. "Well. No, I guess you're my first..." He let go. "Well, you're my first too..." You smiled.


You had finished unpacking most of your stuff, sighing. You walked to Daniels's new room, where he was dissociating. That's quite normal with him. You closed the door, happy he was safe and not trying anything as he'd done in 2006. You knew he'd been on psychosis and suicide watch from then, and he'd been gone until last week. He and his mother had been fighting, and you had the same with your parents. So, you both talked and talked and decided. You were both adults. You were both in college anyways. You both had important majors, so had to stay for a while. Oh well, it didn't matter, you'd get your bachelor's or diploma and get out of there. Still besties forever. You did want to give him space since he had been stuck in a big room for 2 years. But you were safe with him, so you knew you wouldn't need to be anxious. He was okay now. You knocked on his door again, hearing a thud. You opened the door, seeing Daniel on the floor. "Daniel? Are you alright?" You were concerned, he looked up, bleeding from his face "Yeah." You stifled a laugh. "Oh god, I feel so bad for laughing!" You stopped, this was serious. You walked over, sat in front of him, and checked his face. "Oh god, Daniel did you not protect yourself??" You examined the large wound on the side of his face. "I didn't get to, I was reaching for something... Ehh-" He moved your hands away from his face. You stood up, putting your hand out. He took it, getting up. "Alright, c'mon. That looks bad." You ushered him to the kitchen, walking in and grabbing a towel. "Hold this over it, will you?" You handed him the towel, Daniel holding it over the wound. "Okay, I think we should go to the ER for that because you look paler than normal." Daniel gave you a look of 'Really?' As you said that. You chuckled, just walking out with him. "Im driving." You had a serious tone. "I can't even drive" He walked out with you.

You and Daniel walked out of the ER, you giggling. I'm never gonna let you live this down!" You ruffled his hair. "Hey! Careful!" He laughed, sighing. "It's good to have you back, just don't kidnap me or something!" "Alright, alright... I promise I won't." He gently punched your arm, giggling "Or do I?"

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