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You waited at the couch for Daniel to get home. You were scared, but he loved you. Right? He loved you. He wouldnt hurt you... As the clock ticked, you got more and more anxious. You walked to the door, putting your hand on it and cracking it open. Daniel was just coming into the front garden. He gave a stare, before speed walking to the door. You quickly ran off, and up the stairs.


Daniel saw you run up the stairs, getting in and rushing behind you. "READER!" //i use reader, and not y/n// he growled. He looked around, walking to the bedroom and walking in. He saw the bedsheets gently swinging as they slightly hung off the bed. Daniel smiled, walking to the bed and looking under the bed. He saw your scared face.


Daniel grabbed your hand, dragging you out. "Alright cmon, you're getting punished.. Two offences in one day, using phones and trying to escape.." He dragged you down the stairs. "Daniel!!!" You shouted. He dragged you down the basement steps "Cmon, lets go." He pulled you up forcefully, making you stand. You yelped, struggling against his grip. He shouted, slamming you up against the wall. "Cmon, dont struggle!" He shouted. You started to kick and struggle, growling at him and trying to fight back. Daniel grabbed your hair, pushing your head against the wall. "Stop fighting! Just accept this!" He growled. You tired out, panting. Daniel gave a smile, before pulling you down to the floor and pinning you down. "Okay i promise, i wont change position... Im top tonight~" Daniel smirked, biting the top of your ear. You whimpered. "Stop it..." You heaved. Daniel disregarded you and started to move his hand down your trousers. "You gonna make my job easier?" He asked. You shook your head, growling. Daniel gave a scowl, before yanking off your lower clothes by force. He started to undress his lower half. "Dont be a brat or i'll just chain you up and make you stand for the rest of the night..." His lips met the side of your neck, making you huff. He rubbed his boner up against your ass, biting down and whimpering. He forced your legs apart, inserting his cock and making you yelp. He started to thrust, and you started to squirm. He put his hand on your head, a tear beading in your eye. You tried to snap your head back to scream, but his fingernails dug into your cheeks and stopped you. It hurt so bad. You felt so vulnerable. You sobbed, panicking and not giving up easily. You kept struggling against him, trying to scream. Daniels fingernails dug into you, making you jolt and stop quickly. "Good boy.." He smiled.

He bit your neck, sucking at it gently and rubbing your stomach. You cried and sniffled, hot tears pouring down your cheeks and dripping onto Daniels hand. He gave no warning as you felt him ejaculate inside you, making you yelp. As cum slowly dripped down your own cock and outside of you, Daniel pulled out and admired you. "You're so cute..." He wrapped his arms around you. You tried to push away, whining. He cuddled you tightly. "Hey hey hey no... Its okay... I wont hurt you..." He cooed. As he brought his hand to your face, you flinched. "I cant understand why you're so damn scared. Tell me." Daniel demanded. "You uh.. Keep hurting.. Me.." You looked down. "Look at me." You quickly looked into Daniels eyes. He caressed your face. "Its okay.." His expression softened as he kissed your forehead. He grinned proudly, kissing you on the lips. "Okay, okay, i'll give you a treat." He smiled.

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