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Daniel lifted a pallet onto a cart, grunting. "Hey- Risco, wanna give me a hand with these pallets?" Daniel looked at a tall man with an afro. "Sure man" Risco walked over, helping Daniel lift a second pallet onto the cart. "Thanks!" Daniel smiled, getting onto the cart. He worked in a warehouse, 9 - 5. He had barely any sick days off and was a quality worker. He hummed, driving to a large insulated box on a forklift. He started lifting pallets into the box. Once he finished, he walked to the reception and signed himself as 'clocked out - 5:01 pm' on a paper. He walked to another room, going to his locker, and grabbing his stuff. He looked over at somebody who was also grabbing their stuff. He looked back, grabbed his bag, and walked out. He walked through the parking lot, up to his car, and started it. He reversed out of his space, and started to drive out of the lot. He used the screen phone number caller, dialing the home phone and waiting. He heard it pick up. "Hello?" Your voice spoke. "You aren't meant to answer the phone," Daniel growled. You immediately hung up the phone. Daniel gave a pissed-off sigh, continuing his drive

Yeah this was SHOOORT ASF! But dw, the next one will be longer

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