#30 Like my parents

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late night talks
watching the stars
listening to music
romantic dates

random flowers
kisses and hugs
I love you
every morning,
every evening
and anytime in between

walking around
your hands in mine
sparkle in your eyes
and this perfect smile

you're complaining
to have nothing to wear
cause I stole every single one
of your hoodies and shirts

trying to stop me
from destroying your hair,
tickling me everywhere

10 years from now
will it be the same?
will we talk as freely?
will we even be close anymore?

promis me
we'll not end up like my parents
always arguing

promis me
to communicate clearly
your wishes, desires,
fears and problems

promis me
to fight for this love
to fight for me and you
you and me
to grow together

it's us against the problem
not us against each other

promis me
to help each other
I will always have your back
and you'll have mine

promis me
not to be too proud
to tell me about fails
and lies

promis me
not to keep me out
even if you think
it's for the best

promis me
to make solutions together
not to isolate youself
till you have the right guess

promis me
not to let money tear us apart
not to fight because of it
not to count every cent
you spent for me and I spent for you

promis me
to fill up my energylevel
every time
if I'm the lowest 20%
you have to be 80%
but if you have only 10 to give
I'll go with 90

promis me
to never leave me alone
with worries
or else

promis me
to remind me
of memories we made
and of the things
we have already accomplished

help me to see
that it is worth it
show me what you think
and tell me were to go

promis me
we will not end up like my parents

but to learn from their mistakes
make us strong and overcome
this fear of letting ourselves
fall into known patterns

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