Now What?

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As everyone was just getting comfortable with each other, a large black limousine drove into the square. Several official looking inklings stepped out followed by a very well dressed woman. The lady and the other inklings, who I figured were her guards or something, walked over towards the crowd, causing the other inklings and octolings to separate.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"That's Amelia Balenta," John told me, "She's our current president."

"You don't say," I responded. I have no idea what she was planning, but she sure got here quick.

"Who's responsible for this mess?" Amelia called into the crowd.

"That would be me!" Cap'n said, walking forward.

I put up my hood and mask and walked after him, "Captain, what are you doing?" I asked once I caught up to him.

"Relax 10," Cap'n told me, "Amelia and I go way back."

"Good to see you again Craig," the president said, "So this is that new agent you were telling me about."

"That's right, a real gem of a find this one," Cap'n replied.

"What's your name agent?" Amelia asked me.

I stood up straight and began to tell her my rank due to a lack of trust, "I am agent 10 of-" Cap'n cut me off.

"No need for that 10, secret's out now anyway," he told me.

I sighed and started over nervously. I took off my hood and mask and said, "My name is (Y/N) (L/N), human."

"Oh my cod that's the new kid!" I heard someone yell.

"He's a human?" I head someone else say.

"New kid?" Amelia asked.

"I attended school for a day," I explained.

"I'm going to need you and Craig to come with me for a bit so I can get the full story," Amelia told us. Cap'n walked right for the limo but I hesitated a bit, last thing I want to do is become a lab rat.

I started following Cap'n and the president, but I stopped when I heard John call after me, "(Y/N), hold on! You you don't have to do anything you don't want to, just say the word and I'll take you back home where you belong!" I smiled, that was the first time John had told me I belonged with them.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine!" I told him, and walked into the limo.

"Now," Amelia started, "tell me everything." So we did. We told her about the pod I woke up in, how odd been staying with an inkling family, my single day of school, what I've done as an agent, and the few days I spent in the human city, strange to think that I've only been here for a little over a week. The only thing we didn't tell her was that her entire species is fictional and I somehow entered the game. "I see," she said when we finished talking, "we'll what do you plan to do now?"

I thought for a moment, "Go back to living my life," I said, "don't get me wrong, I'm definitely planning on helping the humans get settled in, but I'm still only 16."

"What would you say to becoming ambassador of human and inkling relations?" Amelia offered.

"I'm not really into politics," I told her, "But my friend Jason would be perfect for the job."

"I'll have to have a talk with him later," Amelia said, deep in thought, "I still think you should be involved in some way though."

"What about something musical?" Cap'n suggested.

"What?" I asked extremely confused.

"The squid sisters were able to convince octolings to defect with their songs and off the hook helped inklings to accept them, what if you did something similar for the humans?" He elaborated, "from what I've heard, you've got quite the talent for singing and you have some very interesting songs up your sleeve."

"Well it might work," Amelia added.

"Wait are you guys serious?" I asked.

"I never joke about music my boy," Cap'n stated, "but it is still your choice."

I thought about it for a while, Cap'n was making some good points. "Yeah, alright," I said, "but I'll need the other agents to help me. And I mean all of them."

"If you think it'll work then you got it," Cap'n said.

"Well with that decided," Amelia interjected, "Let's talk about some of the finer details."

The three of us continued to talk for about another two hours about some pretty boring things such as housing for the humans and how to best integrate them into their new lives like jobs and schools. Like I said, boring.

When we were finished talking, we set the humans up in a couple of hotels until permanent houses could be established, but I got to go home with (A/9). When we got home, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of me, and I realized how exhausted I actually was. I told John and Abby that I was going to bed and they both hugged me good night, which was a pleasant surprise because I never really got much affection from my real parents. I went up stairs and entered my room, taking off my shirt, shoes, socks and pants as fast as I could so I could climb into bed to get some real sleep.

As I was starting to drift off, I heard the door creak open. I rolled over and saw (A/9) walking in. "Hey you," I said happily.

"Hey," she responded, closing the door behind her.

I moved over to the right side of the bed and waited. (A/9) climb in next to me and let me pull her in close. I kissed her and held her tight, god I've missed her. We finally broke the kiss and pressed our forheads together, not saying another word as we both fell asleep in each other's arms, the world felt right again.

991 words. A little shorter and kind of boring I know, but what else can you do when you're this close to the end? We're still not done yet though so keep an eye out for the next chapter. If you love this (which at this point I assume you do) then check out my other stories, including the prequel to this one following Zack and 8, and my YouTube where I've been posting chapter of this story like an audio book. Untill next time, may the item drops forever be in your favor!

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