Movie day

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It's the next day, Sunday, and I'm still sleeping in (A/9)'s bed, you'd think her dad would want me out of her room as soon as possible. Well you'd think right, during breakfast this morning he broke the news.
"While you two were out yesterday I cleaned out the guest room. All that's left is to buy some sheets and you can move in tonight." I could tell he was trying to hide his excitement.
"Oh, that's, that's great." (A/9) looked down at her plate sadly.
"What's wrong sweety?" Abby asked.
"I know it was only for three nights but," (A/9) turned to me, "I'll miss having you next to me." My eyes went wide and I swear to God I heard glass breaking.
"What?" John asked. If I didn't think of something quick, I'd be dead.
"Geese (A/9), if you word it like that, your parents are gonna jump to conclusions." Not a lie.
"What does she mean you were next to her?" Her mom asked worriedly.
"I was on the floor next to her bed, we'd talk for a while and then go to sleep." Not a total lie. "I know what she means though. Having someone you trust sleeping in the same room as you is pretty soothing."
"Uh huh," John was skeptical, but he didn't have any reason not to believe us. "Once you're done eating, head upstairs and move your stuff."
"Alright," I sighed. Damn, I liked having her next to me.
(A/9) and I finished eating in a depressed silence, walking slowly upstairs afterwards. As we entered (A/9)'s room, she sighed and said, "You know, I've slept better in these last few nights than ever before. "
"Same here." I told her. We locked eyes and smiled at each other. I took her hands in and started to pull her in close. Then her mom came in, "hey kids do you need any-" she looked at us and we looked at her with red faces. Thank God it wasn't John. "I'll come back later." At that point the mood was gone.
"Well might as well get going." I sighed.
"Yeah." She whispered sadly. We picked up the bags of clothes we bought yesterday and started heading to the guest room. As we entered, I noticed it was pretty nice. White walls with blue carpet, a bed without sheets was in the middle of the left wall, an end table with a small lamp on each side of the bed, some shelves with a desk under them on the far wall, and a dresser with a small TV on it was in the middle of the right wall. There was also a small closet in the far right corner of the room.
"Your new bed looks bigger than mine." (A/9) noted.
And not shoved into a corner." I added. We both chuckled a bit and put my clothes into the dresser. Welp, I'm moved in.
"Hey (Y/n), I'm going to buy those sheets now! Is there anything else you need me to get you?" John called from downstairs.
"Yeah actually, can you pick up some socks, underwear, and a toothbrush for me please?"
"Alright, I'll be back in a bit!" he replied.
(A/9) then wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. Once she broke the kiss, she whispered in my ear, "Wonder what would've happened if we asked him to pick us up some condoms." I nearly had a heart attack.
"Wh-what?!" I was a very deep red and I'm pretty sure there was steam coming out of my head.
(A/9) lost it. "Relax, I was kidding!"
"Are you trying to kill me?" (A/9) just kept on laughing. After a while, I started to laugh too.
Both of us were have a blast, until we got a text message from the Cap'n. "Inklings and octolings have started disappearing, I'm going to call everyone in sick tomorrow so we can meet up and figure out a strategy." We both text back ok and put our phones away.
"I hope this isnt anything too serious," (A/9) said, there hasn't been any trouble with a major villain in about a year."
"Even if it is a major villain, I'm sure we can handle it."
"I guess we'll find out tomorrow."
"On that note, what do you want to do the rest of today?"
"With people going missing, would you mind if we just stayed in today?"
"I wouldn't mind, how about a movie day?" I suggested.
"That sounds like fun!"
"We can invite all of our friends too."
"Oh, good idea! I'll text Mason and Serah, you text Zack and 8!"
"Alright. Wait what about Calie, Marie, Pearl, and Marina?
"They're probably busy."
"We should still invite them so they dont feel left out."
"Fair point. I'll text the squid sisters and you text off the hook." A few minutes later we got replies, apparently everyone had today off, so they were all on their way.
"I guess we better make a lot of popcorn." I said.
"You do that and I'll pick out some movies."
"Sounds good." We headed downstairs and did our thing while Abby just watched us run around for a bit.
"What are you two doing?" She finally asked us.
"Getting ready for movie day." (A/9) answered.
"Well that sounds fun, what movies are you planning on watching?"
"I'll leave that up to (A/9) and the others." I said.
"What others?" The door bell rang. Perfect timing.
Abby answered the door to reveal Zack and 8 holding some large chip bags. I thought they would be the first ones here, they do live just up the street now.
"Oh, hello Zack and 8," Abby greeted, "how are you two today?"
"Things aer really great right now." 8 said.
"I am the happiest man alive." Zack added.
"Why is that?" Abby asked the pair.
"We bought a house not to far from here, for one." Zack said.
"Oh, it'll be nice to have you and your parents close by!"
"And I'm pregnant!" 8 said excitedly.
"Oh that's great." Abby said faking excitement, "do you know who the father is?"
"MOM!" (A/9) yelled.
"What the hell?" I yelled. To say that I was shocked would be an understatement.
"Yeah, I'm the father!" 3 said raising his voice, "And my parents didn't buy a house, 8 and I did!"
"Oh, sorry. I just assumed that inklings and octolings couldn't have children together. I didn't even know the two of you were together in the first place." Now THAT, was a total lie.
"Whatever, it's fine." Zack said putting his arm around 8, "Let's just forget about it and enjoy movie day." I could see it in his eyes, he was pissed. But I could tell that he didn't want to blow up for the sake of everyone else's good time.
A little while later, Serah and mason showed up with ten two liters of soda.
"Hey guys, we brought pop!" Mason yelled.
"Yes, yes you did." (A/9) said looking at all of the bottles.
"Hope you left enough for the rest of the planet." I said.
"We weren't sure what everyone liked so we just got the basics." Serah said ignoring my question. "Ya know, Trench Dew, Swimsi, and Coral-Cola." Man, I hope they taste as good as what they're supposed to be.
"Well now that everyone is here," Abby started, but I cut her off.
"Actualy, we're still waiting on four people." I told her.
"It shouldn't take them too much longer to get here." (A/9) added.
Ten minutes later, the door bell rang. As Abby opened the door, she got quite the surprise.
"Hey there," Calie said.
"OMG THE SQUID SISTERS ARE AT MY HOUSE!" Abby yelled. Then she composed herself, "did your car break down? Do you need help?"
"No, we're here for movie day." Calie told her.
"Are we at the wrong house?" Marie asked.
"Hey girls, we're in here!" Zack called to them.
Abby let the pair of celebrities inside, staring at them in an awed silence.
"We brought candy!" Calie held up some large bags of what appeared to be M&Ms and skittles.
"Are we the last ones?" Marie asked.
"Nah, we're still waiting on Pearl and Marina." Mason told them.
"Wait, like Off the hook?" Abby asked us.
"You never told your parents that we're all close friends?" 8 asked (A/9).
"It never came up." (A/9) said shrugging. Just then we heard a loud pounding on the door.
"Yo homesqids!" It was Pearl, "We brought chip dip!"
"Pearly quiet down, we don't want people to know it's us." We heard Marina say.
"So that's why we took the janky car." Abby opened the door, "We're at the right house right?" Pearl asked her.
"Pearly, Reena, in here!" 8 called to her friends. The two ran in and hugged 8.
"You girl! Has the baby started kicking yet?" Pearl asked.
"It's a little early for that short stack." I told her. Pearl turned an angry red while the others just laughed.
"Did you just call me short stack?" Pearl asked angrily.
"Calm down Pearl," Zack told her, "He's right about it being too early though, she's not even showing yet."
"That reminds me!" Pearl quickly turned around to face Zack, "I still need to kick your ass for taking her innocence!"
"Before you do that, can we at least pick a movie to watch?" Serah asked.
"What kind of movie do you guys want to start with?" (A/9) asked. There were some mixed replies of action, comedy, horror, and romance.
Then I said, "I've always been fond of musicals." Big mistake.
"Oh that reminds me!" (A/9) said, "apparently (Y/n) can sing!" Oh God.
"Oh, I've gotta see this." Mason said.
"Human music? You've gotta sing one for us!" Serah insisted.
"Wouldn't you rather just watch a movie?" I asked trying to get the attention off of me.
"No way, you called me short stack so you're gonna sing!" Pearl yelled at me.
Then 8 started chanting, "(Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n)!" And everyone else joined in.
"Alright, fine!"I said giving in to peer pressure. "What kind of song do you guys want to hear?"
"Well you're moving out of my room tonight," (A/9) said, "got a song about that?"
"Wait you've been sleeping in her room?" Zack asked.
"Damn boy, teach me your secrets!" Mason said.
"Do you want me to sing or not?" I asked trying to change the topic.
"Sing, sing, sing!" They all started chanting. I took a deep breath and started singing please don't go by Joel Adams.
"Nobody ever knows, nobody ever sees. I left my soul back there, oh I'm too weak. Most nights I'm praying for you to come home. I'm praying to the lord, I'm praying for my soul. Now please don't go. Most nights I hardly sleep when I'm alone. Now please don't go. Oh no, I think of you whenever I'm alone. So please don't go." I kept going through the song until it was over. When it was, Zack, Mason, Marie, Pearl, and Serah were wide eyed and clapping while the other girls were teary eyed. 8 grabbed Zack's arms and put them around herself while she held onto him. (A/9) did something similar, but she just buried her head in my chest. Both of them were smiling.
"Why can't my boyfriend sing to me like that?" Marina asked annoyed.
"Human songs are amazing." Serah half whispered.
"Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get on with movie day." I said. And with that, we watched movies and ate all of the snacks, it was fun. Eventually John came home and saw all of the extra people in his house. Abby explained what was going on, we even introduced him to our famous friends. A few hours later, everyone had to go home. John gave me the stuff he bought, and I got my new bed set up. That happened at about 11:30, it is now 1 in the morning and I really couldn't sleep when I'm alone.
My mind wandered to the past few nights, the warmth of having (A/9) next to me, how happy it made me to hold her, her soothing presence, and how she always smelled like fresh rain fall. I still don't know how she manages to do that.
As I was lying in bed with just my thoughts, I heard a soft knock on my door.
"Who is it?" I asked loud enough for who ever it is to hear me, but still quite enough not to wake anyone up. The door opened and I saw (A/9) standing in her night gown.
"I couldn't sleep." She told me.
"Me neither." I replied.
"Mind if I stay in here tonight?"
"I really wish you would."
(A/9) closed the door behind her and got in the left side of the bed. She scooted closer to me and kissed me. She broke the kiss and turned her back to me and curled up into a loose ball. I wrapped my arms around her stomach and held her close. Everything seemed right in the world again and I immediately felt tired. I listened for a moment and heard (A/9)'s slow deep breathing. "I guess we just needed each other to sleep." I said quietly, drifting off with the comfort of having her in my arms.

2276 words. I know this took me a little longer to get out, but I knew this would be the last chapter focusing on fluff for a while. So movie  day was fun, and now everyone knows what a great singer you are. I wonder what the plan is for those missing inklings and octolings. I know the description said adventure and I didn't lie, from now on there will be a lot more action and time as an agent. Anyways, I have to get up early tomorrow so I'm gonna go to bed. See you in the next chapter!

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