Who are you

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The others stared at me for a while before Zack finally spoke up. "So there are other humans?"

"Wait, like (Y/n)?" Calie asked.

"That would explain how they can safely hide out in trench moss forest." Serah said.

"Hold on!" Pearl said, "If the culprits are human, how do we know that (Y/n) hasn't been spying on us for them?"

"I haven't even been here a week! (A/9) found me on that beach about a minute after I woke up!" I yelled.

"It could've been staged!" Mason said.

"(Y/n)!" Zack said. I looked over to see that the look on his face was one of pure hatred and I could feel his murderous intent. "Is she gone because of you?"

"Guys calm down!" (A/9) called to the others. "There's no way this is his fault!"

"Shut up 9! Zack yelled, "You're only defending him because you sleep him!" (A/9) turned red, but I couldn't tell if it was because she was embarrassed or angry, possibly both.

"Zack!" I yelled. I was pretty pissed that he was yelling at my girlfriend. "Don't fucking yell at her!" Suddenly, Zack tackled me. we rolled around for a few seconds before we started throwing punches. I managed to get him off of me and stand up, but it was painstakingly clear that this once-in-a-while scrapper, was no match in hand-to-hand combat against agent fucking 3.

Zack lunged at me with a right jab, but I managed to sidestep to the left and prepared to counter. That was until I felt his left hand close around my throat. I should have known that punch seemed slow. I realized this thanks to the sudden speed boost Zack got when he grabbed me and slammed me into the ground so hard that it knocked the air out of me.

"Uhgha!" After I made that noise, Zack let go of me, but it was because he was in pain. I looked at him to see what had happened and found him wiping his arm off with his shirt. I must have spit on him when he slammed me. That gives me an idea.

I got up and spit on him again, causing him to recoil from pain. I took this opportunity to run out of the house and into the street. As I ran down the road, a black van swerved to a stop so that it's side was facing me. The door opened to reveal a boy dressed in a hooded black cloak and a mask slid to the side so I could see his face.

"Hurry, get in!" he said extending his hand to me. I wasn't sure if I should, I mean this is obviously one of the kidnappers, but maybe I could learn something from them.

"(Y/n)! When I get my hands on you you're dead!" Zack yelled from a distance. I forgot he was chasing me. I took the boy's hand and climbed into the van to see another boy and a girl sitting in back wearing the same cloaks and masks as the first boy.

"He's in, lets go!" the first boy called to the driver. the driver floored it and turned around so we were driving away from the angry agent. After a while, I relaxed and noticed that the others did too, causing the first boy to speak. "It's nice to finally meet you. My name is Jason."

"I'm (Y/n)." I replied, shaking his hand. "Thanks for the help, Zack would've killed me if you hadn't shown up."

"No problem, so why was agent 3 chasing you in the first place? Thanks for letting us know that his name's Zack by the way." Shit.

"You guys kidnapped his girlfriend and he's a little irrational right now, so he attacked me as soon as we found human blood."

"Wow, we knew he was dangerous, but that must have been terrifying." the second boy said. "My name's Seth by the way." I shook his hand.

"He's just upset right now, he's actually a pretty nice guy." I told them.

"Are you kidding? He's a ruthless killing machine." the girl said. She walked over to me and leaned on my shoulder, her face uncomfortably close to mine. "But you don't have to worry about him now that you're with me cutie."

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