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"Well, do you guys believe me or not?" I asked the agents.
"I can't believe you're actually human." Zack mused.
"Think of all the lost knowledge we can recover!" Serah said excitedly.
"Think of all of the cash we can earn from salmon run with an unsplatable team mate!" 8 said jumping up and down, her eyes turned to splatoon's version of the dollar sign.
"Think of how high we can boost our ranks with an unsplatable team mate!" Mason yelled, his eyes sparkling with determination (que three second clip of Hopes and dreams)
"Think of how much trouble the octarian menace will be in when we show them an unsplatable agent!" Cap'n called, arms in the air.
"Guys!" (A/9) called to the others, "Think of all the paparazzi and news reporters we'll have sniffing around us if they find out about (Y/n). It could expose us." Welp, there go my hopes of becoming an agent.
"That's a good point." Zack said, "but it's not like we can just keep him locked in a basement."
"Well, I mean we could but." Serah smirked.
"Haha very funny." I said unamused.
"That being said, he will need a place to stay." Cap'n spoke up, "and despite the risk of being discovered, I think it'd be best if he stayed with one of us, preferably someone with a lot of free time."
"So that rules out the squid sisters and off the hook," I said, "i would like to meet them sometime though."
"No problem kid," Cap'n said, "but as far the housin' issue, I'm out too. Heh, no room and all."
"Oh yeah you live in a one room shack." I said thinking back to the first campaign. "What about you guys?" I asked the others.
"Zack and I live in a one bedroom apartment," 8 said sheepishly, "we'd let you stay on the couch but." She trailed off.
"Thin walls." Zack finished shyly. The other three started laughing again. "Shut up, why don't one of you guys take him in?" That shut 'em up pretty quick.
"My girlfriend would flip if I brought some rando in that I just met today," Mason said to everyone, then he turned to me and said, "We would both be dead."
"What about you Serah?" Zack asked.
"I live in a hotel." She replied not missing a beat.
"That's why your always at my house." (A/9) said.
"That's right," Serah sighed, "speaking of which, you're the only candidate left."
"What?" It looked like (A/9) was blushing a little. "I-I mean, if I'm the only one that can... I'll need some help convincing my parents though"
"No worries little missy, I can help you there." Cap'n interjected giggling a bit.
Time skip brought to you by chibi everyone piled into 3's car all clown style.
The group rolled up in front of (A/9)'s house and let her, the Cap'n, and myself out. It was a pretty nice house too. Two stories painted a sky blue in a suburban area, green grass, a well kept flower garden, a wraparound covered patio, and a small tree house in the front yard. Fun!
"Thanks for the lift 3, why don't you drop off the others and swing back here in an hour to pick me up?" Cap'n told Zack.
"You got it Cap'n. Hey there's four of us now! You guys wanna play league?" There was a loud cheering as Zack drove away, leaving us behind.
"Here goes nothing." (A/9) said nervously as she opened her front door. "Mom! Dad! I'm home! And I brought guests!"
"Hey kiddo!" I heard a man call.
"We're in the living room!" Yelled a woman.
"Come on in guys." (A/9) said. We walked into her house and found her parents watching TV. Her dad saw us come in and paused it.
"Who are these gentlemen?" Her mom asked.
Cap'n jumped right in. "My name is Craig Cuttlefish, but everyone calls me Cap'n."
"Pleasure to meet you Cap'n." (A/9)'s dad said. "My name is John and this is my wife Abby. So what can we do for ya?"
"Ya see, I'm with the government, and there's something we need your family's help with."
"Of course what is it?" Abby asked.
"We need you to take care of someone for us, just for a little while anyways."
"Wait, what?" John was rightfully confused, "Who is it, why do they need to stay here?"
"I'm glad you asked." Cap'n patted my shoulder, "We need you to take care of this young man here."
"But why do you need us to take care of him," Abby asked. "And what's up with him? He doesn't look normal?" Gee thanks. "Oh was that rude? I probably shouldn't have said that."
"It's alright, I'm sure he doesn't mind. Anyway, regarding your not normal comment, it's because he's a human."
"What?!" They both yelled in unison.
"How is there still a human?" Abby asked.
"And why do you want him to stay with us?" John questioned.
"Glad you asked," Cap'n continued, not loosing the enthusiasm he has had the entire conversation, "The reason is because your daughter is the one who found him. He seems to trust her and we want to learn as much as possible from him. And we figured the best way to do that is to keep him calm and happy. So he'll be staying with you, or more specifically your daughter, for the foreseeable future." (A/9)'s parents couldn't speak as they were trying to process this information, "We also want him to go to school and let him get a job if he so chooses so he can learn about our world, he did just wake up from a pod only a few short hours ago." We all just stared at Cap'n, what the hell is he thinking? I don't wanna go to school. I didn't even know inklings went to school in the first place.
"Oh, and before I forget, we dont expect you to do this for free of corse. You will get a check every month to cover expenses. In fact," Cap'n pulled out his check book and started to write something down. Once he was done, he handed it to John and said, "consider this the first month's check."
John's eyes went wide and his jaw hit the floor. He handed the slip of paper to his wife and asked, "You're really gonna give us 50k a month?" Holy shit, that'll add up quick.
"Of corse, he's a valuable asset." Cap'n said as if it was obvious.
"I'm ok with it." Abby told her husband.
"What's your name kid?" John asked me.
"My name's (Y/n), it's nice to meet you."
"Well (Y/n), I guess you'll be living with us for a while.

1144 words. Man can you believe that chapter 2 all the way up to now happened in just a few hours? (Plot wise I mean. it took me three days to write the whole thing) and no Cap'n didn't lie, I don't know if this is true in game but in my story, the new squidbeak splatoon I'd backed by the government. Anyway, I wonder how school will go for you. How will the other students react to a human in their world. Let's find out together shall we?

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