My kind of people

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Zack came inside and sat on the couch, John and Abby trying their best to console him while (A/9) and I called the captain and the others, they all dropped everything and left for our house immediately.

"Zack!" Mason called not bothering to knock. He ran into the room and skirted to a stop right in front of his friend. "Don't worry bro, we'll find her, just don't panic!"

"I'm gonna find who ever took 8, and kill them." Zack whispered. His eyes were narrowed, their usual kindness long gone. 

"Now now my boy, what have I told you about just rushing into things?" It was Cap'n. Apparently, Mason didn't shut the door either. Cap'n walked into the room and sat down next to Zack.

"Cap'n I..." Zack put his head on Cap'n's shoulder and let out a huge, shaky  sigh. 

Cap'n patted Zack's back and said, "There there lad, we'll find her, what kind of grandpa would I be if I can't help my grandson."

"I know you really like Zack and all, but do you have to adopt him as your grandson too?" It was Callie. She walked into the room with Marie right behind her. 

"You OK?" Marie asked.

"Not even a little." Zack told his friends. 

"Well that's not the Zack we all know and love." Serah said walking in.  

"Tell me about it," Pearl said, "he's usually making fun of me."

"Come on Pearly, we're supposed to be making him feel better." Marina reminded her.

"Thanks 'Reena," Zack said. "but the only thing that'll make me feel better is 8 and our baby back safe. The head of whoever did this wouldn't hurt either."

"Maybe we can look around your house for some clues." I suggested.

"No, no one is going back over there until the police say it's ok." John told us. I forgot that he and Abby where here. 

"Actually, that's not a bad idea." Cap'n said. "A human might be able to see something an inkling wouldn't notice." 

"Isn't that illegal?" Abby asked. 

"I'm a high ranking government personal, I can just deputize them and call it good." Cap'n replied. The look on his face said that he's been wanting to do something like this for a while. 

"I'm sure we'll be fine," (A/9) told her parents, "besides, we really should help out however we can."

"I don't like it." John said. 

"Sir I can assure you that they will all be completely safe." Cap'n said, "I may be old, but I can still kick some serious ass." Everyone chuckled a bit even Zack. 

"Alright then," Zack said, "come on guys, let's see if we can't figure anything out."

We all stood up and started to file out of the house, Abby and John still sitting in a stunned silence trying to comprehend what the hell just happened. As soon as I was in front of Zack's house, I knew it was a forced entry. The front door had been kicked in, a few of the windows were shattered, and there was tire trenches in the yard. 

The inside was no better; flipped furniture, ink splatters, torn wallpaper, pulled up pieces of carpet, and broken glass everywhere. 

"Odd." Serah said.

"What?" (A/9) asked.

"There's a lot of ink everywhere, but it's only 8's color." Serah pointed out.

"Woah, you're right." Mason said.

"Wait a minute, what's this?" I said, looking at a small, deep red puddle on the kitchen tile. I poked the puddle expecting it to be ink, but it was more watered down. I rubbed the substance between my fingers and thought that I should know what it was.

"What'd you find?" Zack yelled looking over my shoulder.

I held up my fingers to show him, "Not sure, but I feel like I-," I looked at the red liquid on my fingers and had a realization. "Oh god, this is blood. Guys, do inklings and octolings bleed?"

"We bleed ink," Cap'n replied, "due to our unique anatomy, we can't produce blood like the other species." 

"The hell is that?" Mason asked, sticking his finger in the blood puddle. "OW! IT BURNS! WHY THE FUCK DOES THAT BURN?!" Mason ran to the sink and washed the liquid off of his finger. "Sonofabitch, that burns just like water."

My eyes went wide, this was blood alright, but not just any blood...          H U M A N blood! the rest of the world went fuzzy and the thoughts in my head went wild. Human blood? I'm not the only one!  How many others are there? How long have they been here? What are they like? They took my friend, they have to pay! It was quiet before I got here....









Is this MY fault?

(A/9) put her hand on my back, pulling me back to reality. "(Y/n), what's wrong?" she asked. 

My throat felt dry and I couldn't catch my breath, "Blood, human blood!

811 words. Sorry about the short chapter, work's been kicking my ass. So the kidnappers are human, I wonder what they do to the squids and octos they grab. Only one way to find out, keep reading. 

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