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I woke up the next morning in my new bed, (A/9) still next to me. I sat up and stretched, it's  6:30 we don't have to be up for another half an hour. As I scratched my chest I noticed something, I wasn't wearing a shirt. "Oh crap." I whispered. I looked under the sheets and sure enough, no pants just boxers.
"What's the matter?" (A/9) asked rubbing her eyes.
"Nothing, just go back to sleep." (A/9) opened her eyes and saw I was shirtless, turning a little red.
"Oh, um." Her eyes went wide and she looked down at her legs turning even redder. Did she not have pants either? I blushed at the thought.
"D-do you want me to close my eyes for a minute?" I asked.
(A/9) took a shaky breath and said, "no its fine." She got out of bed and walked over to a pile of clothes, she must have brought them with her last night. With her back still turned to me, she took off her night gown. HOLY SHIT. I noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra, leaving her in just her black with white star print panties. Pretty sure I was drooling. (A/9) bent over and picked something up off the ground. If I wasn't drooling before, I definitely was now. I watched as she put on her bra as well  as the rest of her clothes. DAMN IT (Y/n), STOP STARING! (A/9) sat down on her side of the bed, giggling at the look on my face.
"Well, aren't you going to get dressed? My dad could walk in at any minute."
As if to enfisize the point, I could hear John coming up the stairs. "Are you two already awake?" I turned white as a ghost and sprinted to my dresser, not caring that I was only in my underwear. I put on all of my clothes except for my shoes and sat on the other side of the bed. Meanwhile (A/9) shoved her night gown under the bed.
As John opened the door, I realized it would look more suspicious if we weren't doing anything. I pulled her in and kissed her, it didn't take her long to get into it. John opened the door the rest of the way and saw us making out. "Hey (Y/n), are you- oh for cods sake!" I broke the kiss and faked surprise
"Oh, uh, hi John." I said.
"Why is it that whenever I walk into a room I find you two making out?" We didn't answer. "Well since you're up and dressed, finish getting ready for school." John left and we soon followed, doing our best to hold in a laugh.
During breakfast, (A/9) told her parents that we would be riding with Zack. She didn't say where to.
The two of us walked to Zack and 8's new house, knocking on the door as soon as we got there.
"Hey guys!" 8 said opening the door, "Zack's brushing his teeth right now so he'll be down in a minute."
"No problem," I said, "I'm sure the captain can wait a little longer."
"Do you guys want to come inside?" 8 asked.
"I'm here!" Zack yelled running towards the door, "Common, Cap'n's waiting!"
"Zack, keys," 8 reminded him, holding them in her hand.
"Right." He said turning around. Zack grabbed his keys and turned back around.
"Zack, me," 8 reminded him again.
"Oh right." Zack turned around again to kiss his girlfriend, "Am I forgetting anything else?"
"Our baby!" 8 said smiling. Zack smiled too, kneeling down to kiss 8's stomach.
"Is this a regular thing?" I asked them.
"Every day." 8 told us.
"Is there anything else I'm forgetting?" Zack asked.
"Nope." 8 told him.
"Then let's get going!" Zake ran to his car and started it, waiting on (A/9) and I.
After a short car ride to the Square, we headed into octo canyon, changing into our hero suits along the way.
"Is everyone here?" Cap'n asked.
"8's not!" 4 yelled. I swear to God, Mason is retarded.
"Yo dumb ass, she's pregnant!" 5 told him.
Mason facepalmed, "oh right."
"Anyway," Cap'n said, "inklings and octolings have been going missing recently, and it's not just the reformed ones either. I've picked up several MIA calls from the hacked octarian frequency. Whoever the culprit is, they're targeting everyone."
"So what do we know?" 3 asked.
"So far," 2 started, "We know that the abductions have been happening everywhere. However, I noticed that they've been happening the most around Trench Moss forest. There's also almost been no squidnappings inside the forest."
"Almost like someone doesn't want others to see what's inside." I thought outloud.
"Exactly," 2 continued, "which makes me think that everyone that's gone missing is in there."
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" 4 said.
"Yeah!" 5 and 1 agreed.
"Bad idea," 7 told them.
"She's right, we know where they are but not who they are." 6 said.
"Not to mention that forest is full of trick pools." 9 added.
"What are trick pools?" I asked.
"Pools of still water covered in moss." Cap'n explained, "They've taken more than a few lives."
"That's not a problem for me!" I said, "I can just walk ahead a little bit and find them. Worse case scenario, my feet get wet."
"That's true!" Cap'n realized, "With 10 on our side, we can safely navigate Trench Moss forest!"
"So can we go now?" 5 asked.
"Before we do, I'm gonna need a wepon." I said.
"Well you can't refill ink, so that's a problem." 9 said.
"Actually, Sheldon and I have been looking into that." 6 said, "and we were able to make a weapon that has it's own ink tank and uses almost no ink with each attack!"
"Way to stay ahead of things 6! Cap'n told her, "is it ready yet?"
"Almost, we just need to make a few adjustments, but it should be ready tomorrow." 6 explained.
"In that case," Cap'n said, "10, you don't have a weapon so I want you to stay here and help 2 with any and all research. 6, keep working on 10's weapon. As for the rest of you, put on your masks and go on patrol, maybe you can find something we can use."
"Aye captain!" We all said. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 left down the grate but 9 stayed behind.
"Hey 10!" She called to me.
"What's up 9?" I asked.
"Do you think we'll be able to handle whatever this is?" She looked really nervous.
"Of course," I told her, "3 is one of the best fighters I've ever seen and despite 4 being a moron, he's pretty skilled too."
"But we're down an agent! What if we die because of that?" I pulled her into a hug.
"We're not gonna die."
"Easy for you to say, you can't be splatted!"
"Unsplatable doesn't mean unkillable."
"I guess that's true."
"Besides, I'm sure Cap'n wouldn't send us on a mission if he didn't think we could handle it."
"You should get going, don't want to get left behind."
"You're right, see ya in a few hours!"
"See ya!"
"Oh before I forget, Marie if you try and make a move on my boyfriend I'll fucking kill you!" Da fuck?
"Do you really think I'd be THAT girl?" Marie asked.
"Yes, yes I do."
"Wait what?" I asked the two.
"Nothing," they both said innocently. Whatever.
"You better get going." Marie told (A/9).
"I've got my eye on you," (A/9) said as she left.
"So what do we need to do?" I asked.
"There are security cameras all over Inkopolis, we should search through the footage and see if we can't learn anything."
Marie and I looked through all of the cameras, but we couldn't find anything helpful. The kidnappers always wore hooded cloaks and masks, whoever they are, they don't want to be discovered.
"Well this is productive." I said sarcastically.
"I don't understand," Marie groaned, "there's no pattern, no motive, no ransom notes, no nothing! They just take whoever's closest to them!"
I checked my phone and saw that it was 9:37. "It's getting late, let's call everybody back and head home for today."
An hour later, everyone was back in octo canyon.
"Did you guys find anything out there?" I asked.
"Nothing." They all said at once.

"I did manage to finish your weapon!" Marina said excitedly, "I have it right here!" Marina took a the weapon off of her back. It was wrapped in a tarp so I couldn't tell what it was. It was long like a charger, but it wasn't quite the right shape. God I hope it isn't a charger, I'm horrible with those! 

I took the weapon from Marina and unwrapped it, gasping with surprise and delight when I saw what it was. "It's a sword!" I yelled, overjoyed with my new weapon. 

"Is that what it's called?" Marina asked, "I based it off of some of the recovered human artifacts I've seen." 

"I'll need some practice using it, but swords have always fascinated me." I told her. 

"You'll need these too." Marina said, handing me a bag full of small cans. 

"What are they?" I asked.

"Ink canisters." Marina replied, "If you'll look at the your sword you can see two buttons, the left one activates splash down but it uses whatever ink you had left. The way ro refill your weapon is to press the right button. The canister that was in your sword will be ejected and you can put in a new one."

"How do I refill the canisters?" I asked.

"Just give them to one of us and we can refill them like normal." Marina finished. 

"Awesome,  anything else I should know about it?" 

"Nope, that's everything."

"In that case, we should head home." Zack said. Everyone except the squid sisters and the captain left up the grate. 

Zack dropped (A/9) and I back at home and drove a little farther to his house. Only to bang on our door a few minutes latter.

"Zack, what's wrong?" I asked. He was crying, but the look on his face was saying that someone was about to die.

"Someone broke into our home, and they took 8!" 

1668 words. For those of you that have been waiting for this, sorry this took so long, I started two other stories. 8 has been octonapped, the kidnappers struck again! Who are they? Is the baby OK? Find out next time.

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